Backyard Family Garden

Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful day and enjoying some nice spring weather! I have been elbow-deep in the dirt the last few weeks and I couldn’t be happier about it! I have been working tirelessly to set up our little backyard garden. And we got a small backyard greenhouse too! So now I get to expand our little family garden even more! I have been a busy busy girl!

As far back as I can remember, I have loved gardening. I remember spending summers with my grandma helping her with the rose bushes and irises. And helping my grandpa pick green beans from the family garden and ‘accidentally’ eating all of them before we got back to the house. Gardening has always been something that brings me happiness and joy.

There is something quite satisfying about growing something from a tiny baby plant or a seed and then being able to harvest part of our meals from it. It is a fantastic experience. And I know that my family is getting healthy, homegrown fresh fruits and vegetables. You couldn’t ask for better.

small backyard greenhouse small composter
Our Greenhouse and Composter

We usually only grow stuff in the spring and summer. But this year is going to be different! Our new small backyard greenhouse will allow us to extend our growing season a bit, start seeds as needed year-round, and grow a few different types of fruits and veggies year-round. This is going to save us a ton on food costs in the long run.

I also try to limit our waste by composting whatever we can. Usually, for me, that would mean a little bucket outside of our kitchen door for scraps. Then once a week, I would add some water and blend it up to feed the plants. However, we just got a rotating composter, so we are adding everything into that to get it cooking.

My son, Barrett, has been my little garden buddy for the last four years. He is the best, of course! We have learned so much together with our ever-expanding family garden! I got the whole family outside the other day to tour all of our little plants ha! Barrett was so proud to show Dada all of our hard work. It made for some great family bonding time!

Our Current Family Garden Set Up

We currently rent our house so we can’t do anything permanent for a garden. But I HAVE to have one so we use containers. Initially, I wasn’t happy about it, but I have learned to love it. It’s also a great option for smaller spaces as well. Everybody needs a little backyard garden and I will show you an easy setup that anyone can do.

small backyard garden in buckets
All our veggies and herbs we are currently growing.

We have about ten 5-gallon buckets that we use for our bigger plants like tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, etc. There’s a ton of stuff that you can grow in them. We got ours from Lowes, and drilled about 10-15 holes (it will vary based on size and spacing), throw in some stone, potting soil, and the plant. Make sure that you pay attention to sun and water requirements for whatever you plant. I would definitely invest in a store-bought fertilizer/food or compost system. Whatever fits your lifestyle best.

In previous years, I have put the buckets on our porch, but I decided I needed more room, so last year, we moved them down into the yard. And this year, we added the greenhouse that I am so in love with it! I have moved my herbs in there and some seedlings I have started. I did have to move a few of my buckets in there too to save the baby plants from the critters digging them up.

small backyard garden blue container garden

I have some trouble with squirrels digging up my plants from the buckets. This year I remedied that with plastic forks from the dollar store. It helped a good bit. I would definitely use them again as a pest deterrent.

I am going to be following this up with some more garden-related posts in the near future! I am excited to bring this into my blog because gardening is something I can talk about all day long. I love it! And I am excited to share some awesome tips and tricks with you to help you on you’re family garden journey!

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