Monday Musings
Feeling Out of Balance Lately
Hello there, Friends!! I hope you are well!! I find myself feeling a bit out of balance lately and I thought I would share my thoughts on that with you today. I know the cause, I know how to fix it and keep the balance, but wouldn’t ya know it? I find myself with zero motivation lately and it is bumming me out. So here’s to putting it out there and seeing if breathing life into it this way will help me get that motivation going.
Lately, I have engrossed myself in Social Media, YouTube videos, Masterclasses, how-to guides, you name it. This means I’ve had my face tied to a screen pretty much non-stop lately. I can always feel it when I do this. My brain almost starts to feel fuzzy and I have more trouble focusing. And Lord knows, I definitely don’t need any more trouble there! I need more time with my face in the sunshine or shoved in a good book. Without that balance, everything feels out of whack to me.
I also have not been as good to my body as I should be. Since Halloween trick or treating with our little guy, we’ve had an overload of sweets in the house. And, I am a sucker for fall-weather baked goods! So I haven’t been as good with “Moderation” as I should be lately. I also haven’t had any motivation to food prep so I haven’t been eating nearly as well as I should be. There is definitely a bag of carrots in my fridge that didn’t get touched AGAIN this week!
I know how gross I am gonna feel when I eat this way, but I always end up doing it to myself anyway. It’s so ridiculous that I know that I am doing it to myself as I am doing it. One Twix bar or Fun size Skittle pack at a time, but I just don’t stop. All the sugar and crap that goes into those types of things do more harm than good. But it’s so tasty!
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t usually tell myself “No” by any means, But I am usually much better with moderation. I’ve been extra bad about late-night snacks recently. I tell myself “YOLO” in the moment, but always feel gross right after. Especially when I know I may have overindulged earlier in the day!
Since the weather has turned cold, we have been indoors a lot more: being bums. That lack of physical activity really affects my mood. And I don’t know if I am just getting old, but I find that if I have too many lazy days, then I feel it all over. I know that I need some kind of activity. I know that I will feel SO MUCH better if I get up and work out. I know that if I head outside in the cold and take a quick walk, I will be so happy that I did. But man, getting up the motivation at the moment is so darn tough for some reason. Like, really, “just put your coat on and go outside already!”.
A lot of my problem is not being able to set up a routine that works for me to work out. Our schedule is so off the wall these days that it makes it hard to plan any specific set time for anything. I know a good solution would be to just get it in when I can, but I am better with a routine. Just need to find that balance, I guess.
These are all things that I one hundred percent have control over. There is absolutely no reason I should be sitting here typing about this instead of getting up and doing it, but yet, here I am. I know that even the smallest steps to fix some of these problems will help me get back on track and back in balance.
Thanks for reading, friends! I am going to read this over and over again so that hopefully it helps get my butt kicked into gear.
I want to hear from you! What helps you get motivated? What lights that fire under your butt to get things rolling? Come on over to my Facebook page, Just Your Everyday Mom Blog, and join the conversation! See you there!
Have a great day, friends!!