Self-Confidence Affirmations For the Everyday Mama

Self-Confidence Affirmations For the Everyday Mama

Every morning that you wake up, you make the decision of how you are going to face the day. A way to ensure that you face it with positivity and confidence is through using affirmations for self-confidence. Affirmations are like your daily mantra. So choosing one that fills you with happiness or courage or strength…

Give Yourself Some Grace: A Guide to Mindfulness and Self-Compassion for the Everyday Mama

Give Yourself Some Grace: A Guide to Mindfulness and Self-Compassion for the Everyday Mama

Navigating the daily chaos of motherhood can lead many of us to overlook our own needs and forget that we need to extend ourselves some grace and self-compassion. Understanding Self-Compassion Self-compassion is just turning the compassion you show towards others inward. It’s giving yourself the same love, understanding, and patience that you extend to others….

Daily Self-Love Affirmations for the Everyday Mama

Daily Self-Love Affirmations for the Everyday Mama

Ever wonder how powerful your own words can be? Once you start incorporating daily self-love affirmations, you’ll see just how powerful they are. “Affirmations are the bridge between where we are and where we want to be. They pave the way for transformation and growth, leading us towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.” Unknown. Daily…

Start Your Day with Purpose: A Guide to Setting Intentions

Start Your Day with Purpose: A Guide to Setting Intentions

What if you could wake up in the morning with the inexorable drive to accomplish everything you set out to do? Starting your day by setting intentions can help get your mind focused for the day and ready to crush your goals. You’ll be blown away by the power of setting intentions. In this guide,…

Building Bold Mamas: Gain Confidence and Self-Esteem as an Everyday Mama

Building Bold Mamas: Gain Confidence and Self-Esteem as an Everyday Mama

I cannot remember a time in my life when I truly felt comfortable in my skin and I hate that. I’ve never had the confidence that others seem to just radiate so brightly and easily. It’s always been something that makes me feel more negative towards myself. If this resonates with you, my friend, then…