25 Inspirational Quotes For Moms
Some days we all need a little reminder of how great we are at this motherhood gig. To help us on those days, I’ve compiled a list of 25 inspirational quotes for moms.
1. Quote: “You are enough just as you are.” – Meghan Markle
I think we need to be reminded of this far more often than we are. It always seems like we look at others and compare ourselves to others’ picture-perfect seeming lives.
But we are absolutely perfect as we are and we need to embrace that. Everything we see as a flaw is just another layer to the amazing people we are.
Activity: Write about 3 things that you like about yourself. Reflect on how grateful you are for these qualities and how you feel about them.
2. Quote: “The days are long, but the years are short.” – Gretchen Rubin
I know that we all understand this one. It seems like some days never end, but before you know it, the kids are not little anymore. We need to remember to slow down sometimes and take it all in before it’s gone.
Activity: Create a scrapbook (paper or digital) of memories and share it with your family or friends.
3. Quote: “You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.” – Unknown
Self-care needs to be a priority, mama. You take such good care of everyone else in your life, but you can’t keep it up without taking care of yourself too.
Activity-Have a self-care session or a whole day, if you can. Do something to help you feel refreshed and reconnected to yourself.
4. Quote: “To the world, you are a mother, but to your family, you are the world.” – Unknown
Mothers are the center of the universe in the household. They are the glue that holds it all together most of the time.
Activity: Write a letter to some of your family members expressing your gratitude for them and how much they mean to you. You can keep it to yourself or share it with them if you would like.
5. Quote: “Motherhood is the greatest thing and the hardest thing.” – Ricki Lake
No matter how grateful we are for being mothers, there are still some days that we end up in tears on the shower floor. It’s HARD being a mama, but it’s the greatest job ever.
Activity: Start a journal, if you don’t already have one, and use it to reflect on both the ups and the downs of this crazy motherhood journey.
6. Quote: “There is no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” – Jill Churchill
No one is perfect. We all make mistakes as mothers. But we are also the absolute best mom for OUR children. We will never be perfect, but we are still amazing moms!
Activity: Make a list of times recently that you have had “good mom” moments.
7. Quote: “Life doesn’t come with a manual; it comes with a mother.” – Unknown
As mothers, we are teaching our children about the world in everything that we do. We teach them from the day they are born until they go off on their own Even then, we often still look to our mothers for guidance. Moms are the best!
Activity: Plan a family night using things you’ve learned from your mother. Cooking, baking, any hobbies, etc. Anything you learned that you can pass on to your children.
8. Quote: “A mother’s love endures through all.” – Washington Irving
The love of a mother for her children truly knows no bounds. There’s nothing stronger than it.
Activity: Write a letter or make a card for your children expressing your love and gratitude for them.
9. Quote: “The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.” – James E. Faust
The things we teach our children are the foundation of how they build their lives. We teach them through our actions, words, and how we react to the world around us. And they are always watching.
Activity: Make a list or a journal entry of things you hope your children will learn from you. What do you hope to instill in them as they grow? What characteristic do you hope they attribute to you?
10. Quote: “Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” – Robert Browning
As mothers, everything we do for our children and family is done in love. We break ourselves down to build them up when it’s needed so that they can grow.
Activity: Spend time with your children one-on-one doing something that they enjoy doing.
11. Quote: “Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.” – Barbara Kingsolver
Just as our love knows no bounds, our strength is boundless as well. We can do impossible things for our children. Women all over the world prove that every single day.
Activity: Write about a personal challenge that you have faced as a mother. How did you overcome this challenge? What did you learn about yourself as a result?
12. Quote: “Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had.” – Linda Wooten
Motherhood has pushed me beyond any limits I thought I had. But it has taught me so much about myself. I definitely feel like a different person from before I had my son, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Activity: Journal about the things you have learned about yourself since becoming a mom. How have you changed? What strengths have you found that you didn’t know you had before?
13. Quote: “Motherhood is messy. And challenging. And crazy. And sleepless. And giving. And still unbelievably beautiful.” – Rachel Martin
Motherhood is so hard some days, but it truly is the best job in the world. Theres no handbook for the job and sometimes things get out of control, but at the end of the day, it’s all part of the amazing journey.
Activity: Create a photo diary in your phone filled with all of motherhood’s best and worst moments. Use the pictures to reflect on those moments and how they have impacted you.
14. Quote: “A mother understands what a child does not say.” – Jewish Proverb
Mothers and children have a special connection that lets mothers communicate on a deeper level with their children. It allows them to understand their child better than anyone else most of the time.
Activity: Write about a time with your child when standard communication didn’t help. How did your connection with your child help you to understand them better?
15. Quote: “Motherhood is a choice you make every day to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own.” – Donna Ball
We don’t even think twice about it! Mothers tend to be the ones to make sure everyone’s cup is full, even when their own cup feels empty.
Activity: Spend some time today doing something that you enjoy. Let that time help refill your cup a bit.
16. Quote: “Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.” – Matthew Jacobson
Mothers are the first ones to start building up their child’s confidence. We are the ones that teach them to believe in themselves.
Activity: Spend time with your children today doing something that they are good at. Remember to build them up and encourage them while they are doing it!
17. Quote: “A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” – Cardinal Mermillod
Mothers have such a beautiful, unique bond with their children. Theres nothing else quite like it in the world.
Activity: Spend some quality time with your children today and reflect on how truly special the bond you share with them is.
18. Quote: “There will be so many times you feel like you’ve failed. But in the eyes, heart, and mind of your child, you are supermom.” – Stephanie Precourt
Our children don’t see flaws until we start to point them out. In their eyes, we can do no wrong.
Activity: Spend time journaling today. Create some positive affirmations for yourself and use them throughout the day today to remind you that you are a superhero.
19. Quote: “A mother’s hug lasts long after she lets go.” – Unknown
Our love for our children shines through in everything that we do. They carry it with them wherever they may go.
Activity: Give your child/children a big ole hug today and tell them how much it means to have them in your life.
20. Quote: “The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children.” – Unknown
Being a mother is a priceless gift. Its one of the greatest things to happen to us. And there is nothing better than being a mother.
Activity: Spend the day out with your children enjoying some special time together.
21. Quote: “Motherhood is the exquisite inconvenience of being another person’s everything.” – Unknown
From the day our children are born, we are their entire world. Its amazing that our tiny humans think of us this way, but sometimes it can feel like a big responsibility.
Activity: Reflect on a recent time that you experienced something that you thought was an inconvenience, but it turned out to be an amazing memory.
22. Quote: “A mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.” – Marion C. Garretty
Becoming a mother pushes you to do things beyond anything you thought possible.
Activity: Make a goal that seems almost unrealistic to make. Then make a plan to achieve it. Focus on the why and let your love and determination for your family be the motivation to fuel you.
23. Quote: “Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.” – C.S. Lewis
Raising children is the most important thing we do as humans. They are the future and should be placed as a priority.
Activity: Dedicate time to play or do an activity with your children that is uninterrupted. Give them all of your attention for that block of time.
24. Quote: “Successful mothers are not the ones who have never struggled. They are the ones who never give up, despite the struggles.” – Sharon Jaynes
We know all too well that motherhood is full of struggles. But in the end, the struggle is part of the beauty of the journey. And we persevere because, at the end of the day, it’s all worth it.
Activity: Describe a time that you were faced with a challenge. How did you persevere and what was the outcome?
25. Quote: “Motherhood is a million little moments that God weaves together with grace, redemption, laughter, tears, and most of all, love.” – Lysa TerKeurst
We need to remember to stop sometimes and just be in the moment. There is so much beauty in each one that we experience as mothers. Take them all in, they are gone before you know it.
Activity: Create a gratitude journal and use it to journal about your gratitude for this crazy life each day.
I hope that you enjoyed these inspirational quotes for moms that I have put together! I know we all can relate to more than a few of these.
For another quotes-related post for moms, check out 25 Ideas for Self-care Sunday! It has some fantastic ideas for some rest and reconnection that we all need sometimes.
Join me over on Facebook at Just Your Everyday Mama‘s page! I would love to hear some quotes or activities that Inspire you as a Super Mom!