Just Your Everyday Mama Blog

  • Summer Reflection Journal Prompts

    How is it the end of summer already?!? I feel like it just started, but somehow we are already prepping for school to start! It all goes by way too fast.

    Even though it went by so quickly, we still managed to pack a ton of fun into it!

    To help turn the page to the Fall, I figured it would be a great time to reflect on the past Summer.

    I’ve compiled a list of some prompts to share with you today that will help you reflect on the summer and take a closer, deeper look at the experiences that shaped it.

    Why Summer Reflection Journaling?

    Summer reflection journaling is a great way to look back on the memories you made this summer. It allows you to take a deeper look at your memories and reflect on the feelings surrounding them.

    Summer Reflection Journal Prompts

    Memories and Experiences

    • What memory from the summer stands out the most to you? What feelings do you get from this memory?
    • Reflect on your favorite experience this summer. What happened and why was this your favorite?
    • Reflect on an event from this summer that turned out completely different than you had originally anticipated it would. How did this outcome change things for you? Did it have a large impact?
    • Reflect on an experience from the summer that you are the most proud of. Why does this stand out so much?
    • What experience did you have this summer that you would like to repeat? Why do you want to do this again? What impact did it have on you?
    • Think of a memory from the summer that just makes your heart happy. Reflect on the feelings surrounding this memory. Describe it and explain why it has this effect on you.

    Personal Growth

    • Reflect on a challenge that you overcame this summer. How has this changed things for you? What did you learn about yourself from this challenge?
    • What new hobby or skill did you learn this summer? How has this affected your overall mood?
    • Describe a time this summer when you felt overwhelmed. How did you overcome this? What skills did you use to help you through this?

    Outdoor Activities

    • Reflect on an outdoor activity you did alone or with a friend this summer. Why did you decide to do this? What impact did it have?
    • Reflect on an outdoor activity you did with your family this summer and how it made you feel. Where did this take place?
    • Think about an outdoor activity that you tried for the first time (or the first time in a while). How did you feel doing this activity? Is it something you enjoy and will continue? If not, why?
    • What is something that you do every summer that you love to do? How did you start doing this? How does it affect your summer overall?

    Social Time

    • Think of a time that you spent with your friends this summer. Reflect on what you did, and what you felt at the time. how did this experience impact your summer?
    • Reflect on a new friend you met this summer. How has this person impacted your summer?
    • Describe an event that you went to with others. What did you do? How did attending the event impact your summer? How did you feel after attending?
    • Reflect on a meaningful conversation that you had this summer. Describe it and how it made you feel. What lasting impact did this have on your summer, if any?
    • Reflect on a social activity from the summer that made you feel comfort and happiness. What were you doing and who were you with? Describe the scenario and how it has a lasting impact on you.

    Self-Care and Relaxation

    • Reflect on a time this summer that you spent on your self-care. How did this affect your day/week? What prolonged effects did you experience after this time?
    • Think about a time this summer when you were really relaxed. Describe what you were doing and how you felt.
    • Reflect on a time this summer when you felt your best. What happened to bring about this?
    • Think about something you learned this summer about your self-care. How can this shape your future self-care? How will you incorporate this into your regular routine to keep you feeling your best?
    • How have you prioritized your self-care this summer? How will you continue to do this as we enter the new season?

    Tips For Summer Reflection Journaling

    Pick and choose any of these summer reflection journal prompts, or create your own! Just remember to be positive and dig deep with your writing!

    Find a quiet place where you can journal without interruption.

    Set a specific time to do your journaling. This will help make it a regular part of your day.

    If you are looking for more awesome Journal prompts, check out Fostering Love and Connection Gratitude Prompts and Gratitude Journal Prompts.

    Jump on over to Facebook and say hi at Just Your Everyday Mama!

  • 25 Inspirational Quotes For Moms

    Some days we all need a little reminder of how great we are at this motherhood gig. To help us on those days, I’ve compiled a list of 25 inspirational quotes for moms.

    1. Quote: “You are enough just as you are.” – Meghan Markle

    I think we need to be reminded of this far more often than we are. It always seems like we look at others and compare ourselves to others’ picture-perfect seeming lives.

    But we are absolutely perfect as we are and we need to embrace that. Everything we see as a flaw is just another layer to the amazing people we are.

    Activity: Write about 3 things that you like about yourself. Reflect on how grateful you are for these qualities and how you feel about them.

    2. Quote: “The days are long, but the years are short.” – Gretchen Rubin

    I know that we all understand this one. It seems like some days never end, but before you know it, the kids are not little anymore. We need to remember to slow down sometimes and take it all in before it’s gone.

    Activity: Create a scrapbook (paper or digital) of memories and share it with your family or friends.

    3. Quote: “You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.” – Unknown

    Self-care needs to be a priority, mama. You take such good care of everyone else in your life, but you can’t keep it up without taking care of yourself too.

    Activity-Have a self-care session or a whole day, if you can. Do something to help you feel refreshed and reconnected to yourself.

    4. Quote: “To the world, you are a mother, but to your family, you are the world.” – Unknown

    Mothers are the center of the universe in the household. They are the glue that holds it all together most of the time.

    Activity: Write a letter to some of your family members expressing your gratitude for them and how much they mean to you. You can keep it to yourself or share it with them if you would like.

    5. Quote: “Motherhood is the greatest thing and the hardest thing.” – Ricki Lake

    No matter how grateful we are for being mothers, there are still some days that we end up in tears on the shower floor. It’s HARD being a mama, but it’s the greatest job ever.

    Activity: Start a journal, if you don’t already have one, and use it to reflect on both the ups and the downs of this crazy motherhood journey.

    6. Quote: “There is no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” – Jill Churchill

    No one is perfect. We all make mistakes as mothers. But we are also the absolute best mom for OUR children. We will never be perfect, but we are still amazing moms!

    Activity: Make a list of times recently that you have had “good mom” moments.

    7. Quote: “Life doesn’t come with a manual; it comes with a mother.” – Unknown

    As mothers, we are teaching our children about the world in everything that we do. We teach them from the day they are born until they go off on their own Even then, we often still look to our mothers for guidance. Moms are the best!

    Activity: Plan a family night using things you’ve learned from your mother. Cooking, baking, any hobbies, etc. Anything you learned that you can pass on to your children.

    8. Quote: “A mother’s love endures through all.” – Washington Irving

    The love of a mother for her children truly knows no bounds. There’s nothing stronger than it.

    Activity: Write a letter or make a card for your children expressing your love and gratitude for them.

    9. Quote: “The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.” – James E. Faust

    The things we teach our children are the foundation of how they build their lives. We teach them through our actions, words, and how we react to the world around us. And they are always watching.

    Activity: Make a list or a journal entry of things you hope your children will learn from you. What do you hope to instill in them as they grow? What characteristic do you hope they attribute to you?

    10. Quote: “Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” – Robert Browning

    As mothers, everything we do for our children and family is done in love. We break ourselves down to build them up when it’s needed so that they can grow.

    Activity: Spend time with your children one-on-one doing something that they enjoy doing.

    11. Quote: “Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.” – Barbara Kingsolver

    Just as our love knows no bounds, our strength is boundless as well. We can do impossible things for our children. Women all over the world prove that every single day.

    Activity: Write about a personal challenge that you have faced as a mother. How did you overcome this challenge? What did you learn about yourself as a result?

    12. Quote: “Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had.” – Linda Wooten

    Motherhood has pushed me beyond any limits I thought I had. But it has taught me so much about myself. I definitely feel like a different person from before I had my son, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Activity: Journal about the things you have learned about yourself since becoming a mom. How have you changed? What strengths have you found that you didn’t know you had before?

    13. Quote: “Motherhood is messy. And challenging. And crazy. And sleepless. And giving. And still unbelievably beautiful.” – Rachel Martin

    Motherhood is so hard some days, but it truly is the best job in the world. Theres no handbook for the job and sometimes things get out of control, but at the end of the day, it’s all part of the amazing journey.

    Activity: Create a photo diary in your phone filled with all of motherhood’s best and worst moments. Use the pictures to reflect on those moments and how they have impacted you.

    14. Quote: “A mother understands what a child does not say.” – Jewish Proverb

    Mothers and children have a special connection that lets mothers communicate on a deeper level with their children. It allows them to understand their child better than anyone else most of the time.

    Activity: Write about a time with your child when standard communication didn’t help. How did your connection with your child help you to understand them better?

    15. Quote: “Motherhood is a choice you make every day to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own.” – Donna Ball

    We don’t even think twice about it! Mothers tend to be the ones to make sure everyone’s cup is full, even when their own cup feels empty.

    Activity: Spend some time today doing something that you enjoy. Let that time help refill your cup a bit.

    16. Quote: “Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.” – Matthew Jacobson

    Mothers are the first ones to start building up their child’s confidence. We are the ones that teach them to believe in themselves.

    Activity: Spend time with your children today doing something that they are good at. Remember to build them up and encourage them while they are doing it!

    17. Quote: “A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” – Cardinal Mermillod

    Mothers have such a beautiful, unique bond with their children. Theres nothing else quite like it in the world.

    Activity: Spend some quality time with your children today and reflect on how truly special the bond you share with them is.

    18. Quote: “There will be so many times you feel like you’ve failed. But in the eyes, heart, and mind of your child, you are supermom.” – Stephanie Precourt

    Our children don’t see flaws until we start to point them out. In their eyes, we can do no wrong.

    Activity: Spend time journaling today. Create some positive affirmations for yourself and use them throughout the day today to remind you that you are a superhero.

    19. Quote: “A mother’s hug lasts long after she lets go.” – Unknown

    Our love for our children shines through in everything that we do. They carry it with them wherever they may go.

    Activity: Give your child/children a big ole hug today and tell them how much it means to have them in your life.

    20. Quote: “The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children.” – Unknown

    Being a mother is a priceless gift. Its one of the greatest things to happen to us. And there is nothing better than being a mother.

    Activity: Spend the day out with your children enjoying some special time together.

    21. Quote: “Motherhood is the exquisite inconvenience of being another person’s everything.” – Unknown

    From the day our children are born, we are their entire world. Its amazing that our tiny humans think of us this way, but sometimes it can feel like a big responsibility.

    Activity: Reflect on a recent time that you experienced something that you thought was an inconvenience, but it turned out to be an amazing memory.

    22. Quote: “A mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.” – Marion C. Garretty

    Becoming a mother pushes you to do things beyond anything you thought possible.

    Activity: Make a goal that seems almost unrealistic to make. Then make a plan to achieve it. Focus on the why and let your love and determination for your family be the motivation to fuel you.

    23. Quote: “Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.” – C.S. Lewis

    Raising children is the most important thing we do as humans. They are the future and should be placed as a priority.

    Activity: Dedicate time to play or do an activity with your children that is uninterrupted. Give them all of your attention for that block of time.

    24. Quote: “Successful mothers are not the ones who have never struggled. They are the ones who never give up, despite the struggles.” – Sharon Jaynes

    We know all too well that motherhood is full of struggles. But in the end, the struggle is part of the beauty of the journey. And we persevere because, at the end of the day, it’s all worth it.

    Activity: Describe a time that you were faced with a challenge. How did you persevere and what was the outcome?

    25. Quote: “Motherhood is a million little moments that God weaves together with grace, redemption, laughter, tears, and most of all, love.” – Lysa TerKeurst

    We need to remember to stop sometimes and just be in the moment. There is so much beauty in each one that we experience as mothers. Take them all in, they are gone before you know it.

    Activity: Create a gratitude journal and use it to journal about your gratitude for this crazy life each day.

    I hope that you enjoyed these inspirational quotes for moms that I have put together! I know we all can relate to more than a few of these.

    For another quotes-related post for moms, check out 25 Ideas for Self-care Sunday! It has some fantastic ideas for some rest and reconnection that we all need sometimes.

    Join me over on Facebook at Just Your Everyday Mama‘s page! I would love to hear some quotes or activities that Inspire you as a Super Mom!

  • Self-Confidence Affirmations For the Everyday Mama

    Every morning that you wake up, you make the decision of how you are going to face the day. A way to ensure that you face it with positivity and confidence is through using affirmations for self-confidence.

    Affirmations are like your daily mantra. So choosing one that fills you with happiness or courage or strength is the important part.

    Throughout this article, I will help you understand more about affirmations and how we can utilize them in our everyday lives to help build self-confidence.

    If building your confidence is a priority to you right now, be sure to check out my post Building Bold Mamas: Gain Confidence and Self-Esteem as an Everyday Mama.

    Why Use Self-Confidence Affirmations Every Day?

    Affirmations are phrases that you choose to live by for the day (or however long you want, really). They can be as long or as short as you want them to be. Remember to keep them positive and encouraging.

    There are many benefits to using affirmations. Some of them include increased positivity from continued positive self-talk, stress reduction, greater resilience, and better overall well-being.

    Affirmations can be a powerful tool when it comes to building up self-confidence. Repeating healthy, confident, powerful phrases will have a positive impact on many different aspects of your life. You will feel better overall and feel more confident, not only in yourself but also in your relationships, your career, and your family life.

    Best Practices for Self-Confidence Affirmations

    There is no right or wrong way to use affirmations. It’s pretty much whatever is going to work the best for you.

    If you have a specific self-care routine you follow in the morning, adding a few minutes to spend on writing and reflecting on your affirmation for the day can be a great addition.

    Choosing to use them before an important event or something similar can be a great way to give you a quick boost in confidence and help calm your nerves.

    I find that the best way for me to get the most benefit from affirmations is to add them to my morning journal routine. I write them down, repeat them often, and keep them with me for the day. It’s a nice reminder when you pull it out of your pocket.

    It is important to remain consistent, no matter how you choose to utilize them. Turn it into a habit if you can!

    If you’re interested in journaling as well, check out my post Morning Journal Prompts For the Everyday Mama.

    Affirmations For Self-Confidence

    Feel free to mix these up or create your own to fit your needs.

    1. “I am strong and capable. I can handle anything this life throws at me”
    2. “I am proud of myself and how far I have come. I will continue to grow and overcome challenges”
    3. “I am worthy of the good things in my life”
    4. “My family is able to count on me all of the time”
    5. “I am flexible and adaptable. I can figure out any problem that comes my way”
    6. ” I am a good and positive role model for my children”
    7. “I am proud of the mother I have become”
    8. “I am constantly growing as a person and a mother”
    9. “My love for my family shines through in all that I do”
    10. “I am able to balance my work and family life and be good at both”
    11. “I am worthy of abundance and joy in my life”
    12. “I am loved and appreciated in my life”
    13. “I can achieve my goals as long as I work hard for them”
    14. “I am an inspiration to my children with all that I do”
    15. “I am comfortable with who I am”

    Create Your Own Affirmations for Self-Confidence

    • Identify Your Needs– If there is a specific part of your life you want to feel more confident in, then focus your affirmation toward that. If it’s just the overall confidence you want to build, you can just keep your wording less specific.
    • Be Positive-Always be positive and encouraging with your affirmations. This positive self-talk builds you up and helps you keep going when things get tough.
    • Consistency is Key– Making affirmations a regular part of your routine and consistently utilizing them will help make positive self-talk a regular habit and the confidence will come naturally with that.
    • Adpat and Evolve– We are always changing so remember to re-evaluate your goals and affirmations every so often (if you repeat the same ones). Make sure that as your confidence and resilience grow, you adjust your self-confidence affirmations to reflect that.

    I encourage you to start utilizing affirmations for self-confidence today and as a regular part of your self-care toolbox!

    I would love to hear from you either here or over on my Facebook page, Just Your Everyday Mama, and share some of your favorite self-confidence affirmations!

    And make sure to subscribe to my Newsletter so that you don’t miss a thing!

  • 25 Ideas for Self-Care Sunday

    Sundays are a great time to get in a little extra self-care. And I’ve got you covered for the next 25 weeks!

    With these self-care quotes and ideas for self-care, you are going to be feeling your very best before you know it!

    Why Bother With Self-Care?

    Self-care can look different to everyone, but the premise is still the same. It’s simply doing things for you that help your happiness and overall well-being.

    Good self-care can also have a positive impact on your confidence levels, productivity, and mindset. So it’s a pretty big deal.

    Quotes and Ideas For Self-Care Sunday

    1. Self-care is how you take your power back.” – Lalah Delia
      • Spend time doing something for YOU! A hobby, a walk, reading, etc.
    2. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.” – Norm Kelly
      • Take the time today to relax. Whatever that looks like to you. Go for a long nature walk, pamper yourself at the spa, or do something else that relaxes you.
    3. “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” – Audre Lorde
      • Journal today about your personal growth. How have you grown in the recent months? Reflect on that and how you feel knowing how far you’ve come.
    4. “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” – Oscar Wilde
      • Treat yourself to something special today. Maybe a treat that you don’t usually get or a special little present for yourself.
    5. “You owe yourself the love that you so freely give to other people.” – Unknown
      • Write a letter to yourself. Write about all of the amazing things that you love about yourself. Talk to yourself as if you were talking to a friend.
    6. “Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” – Oprah Winfrey
      • Meditate today. It doesn’t have to be a long session, but enough to relax and help you clear and focus your mind.
    7. “An empty lantern provides no light. Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.” – Unknown
      • Spend some time reading today. Maybe light some candles and have a glass of wine. I can’t think of a better way to curl up with a good book!
    8. “The greatest wealth is health.” – Virgil
      • Today, take some time to invest in your physical health by doing something active.
      • Do some Yoga, weightlifting, or running to get yourself feeling great.
    9. “Take time to do what makes your soul happy.” – Unknown
      • Do something today that maybe you haven’t done in a while. Something that really makes you feel amazing.
    10. “Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.” – Katie Reed
      • Find a quiet spot and meditate for 30 minutes today.
    11. “Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow.” – Eleanor Brownn
      • Take a nap today! Rest and replenish today for the week ahead.
    12. “Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort.” – Deborah Day
      • Do something today that makes your heart happy. Visit an animal shelter, go to a bookstore, or get your hair done. Whatever it is that makes you happy.
    13. “Self-care is not a waste of time; self-care makes your use of time more sustainable.” – Jackie Viramontez
      • Spend time planning out the week ahead. Make sure to include self-care time in the schedule.
    14. “Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others.” – Christopher Germer
      • Write a letter to yourself. Be kind and use compassion when you write. Tell yourself the things you love about yourself. Or how proud you are of yourself.
    15. “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” – Anne Lamott
      • Take some time to detox from the digital world. Unplug yourself, go out for a nature walk, and give yourself a reboot.
    16. “Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” – Eleanor Brownn
      • Make a healthy, nourishing meal for yourself today.
    17. “The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.” – Steve Maraboli
      • Practice some positive self-affirmations today. Affirmations are a great tool to build confidence and positivity.
    18. “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn
      • Exercise and get that blood pumping! Do at least 15 minutes of an activity you enjoy.
    19. “When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.” – Jean Shinoda Bolen
      • Do something for yourself today that makes you happy. Make a plan to incorporate this into your regular routine, if you can.
    20. “Keep good company, read good books, love good things and cultivate soul and body as faithfully as you can.” – Louisa May Alcott
      • Spend time with your besties today and do something you all love to do. Go shopping, wine tasting, spa day, whatever it is.
    21. “Taking care of yourself doesn’t mean me first, it means me too.” – L.R. Knost
      • Take time to practice your skincare or hair self-care routine today. Make that extra time you usually don’t have to spare.
    22. “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha
      • Do something today that stimulates your mind. Do a puzzle, crossword, or a logic game. Something to get the gears going and make you think.
    23. “Self-care is essential to well-being.” – Suzy Kassem
      • Create a spa day feel in your home today and pamper yourself.
      • If you can, go to a spa and treat yourself to some relaxation.
    24. “Self-care is taking all the pressures you are facing right now, and deciding to which you will respond, and how.” – Imani Shola
      • Put together a to-do list. Prioritize things that need your attention sooner rather than later.
      • Make a plan to tackle your to-do list to help take some of the mental pressure off.
    25. “Do something today that your future self will thank you for.” – Sean Patrick Flanery
      • Start a new healthy hobby or routine that will help you set your future self up for happiness and success.

    Other Tips and Tricks for Self-Care

    Create Routines-Make self-care part of your routine whenever you can. It makes it easier to keep up with and you will feel better in the long run.

    Make It A Group Activity– if you can’t find the time to yourself for some self-care, include your friends or family. Everyone can benefit from it!

    Plan Ahead– Be sure to make a plan to include self-care into your schedule.

    For some other self-care ideas, check out my post Quick and Easy Self-Care Ideas.

    I would love to hear from you and learn what Self-Care means to you! Head on over to my Facebook page, Just Your Everyday Mama, and let’s chat! See ya there!

  • Morning Journal Prompts For the Everyday Mama

    Are you looking for a way to start your day off on the best foot? Then, starting your day with these morning journal prompts could be just what you are looking for!

    Benefits of Using Morning Journal Prompts

    Adding journaling to your morning is a great way to give your brain a jumpstart and help build a positive mindset for the day.

    Utilizing journal prompts can help you take a deeper look into your thoughts, feelings, and memories.

    No matter what you journal about, you’ll find that starting your day this way boosts mood, productivity, and a more positive outlook for the day. We all know we need some help in those areas from time to time.

    Morning Journal Prompts to Kickstart Your Day

    You can use these morning journal prompts that I have created to get you started. Use them alone or in combination with others. Don’t be afraid to create your own either!


    • What are you feeling the most grateful for today? Reflect on the reasons why you are feeling grateful.
    • What is something you are grateful for in your life right now? What is the positive impact this has on your day? Describe your positive feelings and emotions about it.
    • Reflect on the day ahead. Who are you looking forward to seeing? What is the positive impact that this person has on your day? Think about the happiness you have because this person is in your life.

    For other gratitude writing topics, check out my post Gratitude Journal Prompts.


    • Reflect on a positive thing that happened yesterday. How did this impact your day?
    • Think about your life recently. What is a challenge you have overcome? How did overcoming this challenge impact your life?
    • Reflect on a kind thing that someone said to you recently. How did this impact your day? What positive changes came about as a result?

    Intention Setting

    • Today I will put myself first and make my well-being a priority. I will do this by…..
    • I will greet everyone I meet today with kindness and a smile.
    • Today I will be productive. I will accomplish… by doing…

    For more on intention setting, check out my post- Start Your Day with Purpose: A Guide to Setting Intentions. This is a great little guide that will help you get started!


    • How will you choose to nourish your body and mind today? What benefits will this have for you?
    • What can you do today that will help you relax and reconnect?
    • How will you move your body today? What will this help you accomplish in the long run? Why is this important to you?
    • What can you do today for you? What are you lacking currently that you feel you need to focus on?
    • Which part of your self-care are you the most excited about today? What makes it something you look forward to? How do you feel after?


    Choose one of these for the day. Take some time to write how this prompt resonates with you. Explore the deeper feelings that come with these positive morning affirmations.

    • I am worthy of love and respect.
    • I am confident and can handle whatever this life throws at me.
    • I am capable of great things when I put my mind to it.
    • My boundaries are important and deserve to be honored.
    • I am proud of myself and all that I have accomplished.
    • I am a good, kind person.

    If you want more affirmations, check out my post- Daily Self-Love Affirmations for the Everyday Mama.

    Tips For Consistency

    Find a quiet time and place that you can spend to focus on writing.

    Limit distractions. Put that phone away and tell those kids you need some mama time.

    Keep your journaling supplies in a place that you will see and remember to journal. Or set a reminder for it.

    Hope you enjoy these amazing journal prompts, friends!

    Join me over on Facebook at Just Your Everyday Mama.

  • Give Yourself Some Grace: A Guide to Mindfulness and Self-Compassion for the Everyday Mama

    Navigating the daily chaos of motherhood can lead many of us to overlook our own needs and forget that we need to extend ourselves some grace and self-compassion.

    Understanding Self-Compassion

    Self-compassion is just turning the compassion you show towards others inward. It’s giving yourself the same love, understanding, and patience that you extend to others.

    Instead of continuing to be harsh or critical of yourself, try to be kind and understanding. Use positive and encouraging words instead of talking down to yourself when you feel like you’ve made a mistake or are falling behind.

    Importance of Self-Compassion in Our Lives

    Remembering to have self-compassion can be hard, but it is oh-so-important! Learning to integrate it into your everyday life will have a big impact on your day-to-day happiness.

    When we practice self-compassion we are helping to reduce our stress, increase mental clarity, and nurture our overall wellbeing. It will foster greater resilience and help you to have a more positive outlook on things.

    The Purpose of This Guide

    This guide is to help you find ways to encourage self-love and kindness every day. And to help you work through some things that may be holding you back from starting on this journey.

    Embrace Imperfection

    The idea of perfection needs to be thrown out of the window.

    We all are human. We all have things we see as flaws or things that we may see as less than perfect about ourselves.

    But we are all perfectly imperfect. And we need to embrace it!

    It’s always better to reflect on growth instead of perfection!

    Journal Prompts for Self-Compassion

    Journaling can be a great tool for many things. Building self-compassion is just one of many things that you can journal about to help you work through. The benefits of this are amazing.

    Utilizing journal prompts can help you delve deeper into your self-compassion and help you keep a positive mindset.

    • Celebrate Wins– What are 3 things that you accomplished recently? No matter how small they seem. Reflect on how these accomplishments make you feel. How can you move from here onto bigger accomplishments?
    • Gratitude– What are some things that I am most grateful for today? What impact does having these things in my life have? Reflect on how these things have positively affected you.
    • Self-Kindness– What did you do for yourself recently that was kind? Reflect on the impact this had on the rest of your day. Think about ways you can incorporate this into your everyday life.
    • Forgiveness– Is there something that you need to forgive yourself for? Are you holding something over yourself that you need to let go of? Reflect on how this is negatively impacting your mindset. Think of how forgiving yourself will change that. Reflect on ways you can go about putting this in motion.
    • Self-Appreciation– What are some things that you really appreciate about yourself? Things that maybe you even brag about. Things that make you feel good about yourself. Reflect on how these things make your life better.

    Other Self-Compassion Tips

    Journaling isn’t the only thing you can do to help increase self-compassion in your life. Here are some everyday tips to help you on your way.

    • Meditate– Spend time meditating on your sense of self-composition. Reflect on self-kindness and positive thoughts.
    • Take a break– When things start to be too much and you feel yourself being negative inwardly, stop and take a break. Take some time to breathe. Remind yourself how amazing you are and you need to be kind to yourself.
    • Write Yourself a Kindness Letter– Sit down and type or write a letter to yourself. You can reflect on things that you love about yourself, how far you’ve come in life, how amazing it is that you are reaching your goals, etc. Be positive and use loving, kind words to yourself.
    • Daily Affirmations-Utilizing daily affirmations is a great way to practice kindness and self-compassion. Use positive, affirming phrases and remind yourself throughout the day. If you would like more information on Daily Affirmations, check out my post- Daily Self-Love Affirmations for the Everyday Mama.
    • Talk to Yourself Like You Would a Friend– When you are getting down on yourself, think of how you would talk to a friend in the same situation. Use the same words on yourself that you would on your friend. You wouldn’t berate your friend for a simple mistake, or call them stupid for forgetting something at the store. Don’t do that to you either.

    Give Yourself Some Grace

    No matter how hard we try to be, or how much we want to, we cannot be all things to everyone. We must remember that we are only human and keep our expectations of ourselves realistic. If we don’t, we just set ourselves up for failure.

    When you find that you are having a hard time keeping your head above water, remember that you are not alone here, you can reach out if you need to. This is not forever, sis. Ride out the ebb and flow and things will get better.

    If you found this article helpful, check out some of my others-Building Bold Mamas: Gain Confidence and Self-Esteem as an Everyday Mama or My Favorite Ways to Increase Productivity.

    For all new articles and updates, jump on over and follow my Facebook page, Just Your Everyday Mama.

  • Fostering Love and Connection Gratitude Prompts

    As part of my own personal Self-Love journey, I have been trying to practice gratitude in all aspects of my life. Using gratitude prompts and journal prompts has been a great way to explore my gratitude and shift to a more positive mindset.

    Utilizing gratitude prompts is beneficial because it helps you to focus on the positive aspects of things instead of focusing on the negative.

    Gratitude Journal Prompts For Self-Love

    • What are 3 things that you like about yourself? Why are these qualities your favorite?
    • What are your favorite physical attributes? How do you feel when someone notices these features?
    • Think of a recent time that you honored your boundary or need. Describe how honoring this made you feel.
    • Reflect on your hobbies or interests. How do these bring joy to your life? Describe how they make you feel.
    • Reflect on your self-care routines. Think about how having the ability to take this time for yourself makes you feel. How do you feel after this time?
    • Think about your personal qualities that you are most proud of. How have you worked to enhance this quality? Reflect on the pride you feel about this quality and how you can continue to enhance it as time goes on.

    Significant Other Gratitude Prompts

    • What are your top 3 favorite qualities about your significant other? Why are these your favorite qualities?
    • Think of a time when your significant other made you smile this week. Reflect on how those moments make you grateful.
    • What challenges have you faced together with your significant other? Reflect on how having them by your side made you feel as you faced this. How has this helped to strengthen your relationship?
    • What are you most thankful for about your significant other?
    • Reflect on your significant other’s physical traits. Which one is your favorite and why?
    • Think about your first encounter with your significant other. Reflect on the feelings you felt at that time. How has that feeling grown or changed over time?
    • Reflect on how much positivity and joy your significant other brings to your life.
    • Reflect on the strength of your relationship. How has your relationship grown over time?
    • How has your significant other positively impacted your life recently?
    • Think of a time recently when you needed support from your significant other. How did they help you and support you? Reflect on how having this support makes you feel.

    Friendship Gratitude Prompts

    • Reflect on your closest friend/friends. Think about the reasons they are your closest friend/friends.
    • What qualities does your friend have that you admire? When do you see this quality the most from your friend?
    • Think about the last time you hung out with your friend. What were you doing? Where were you? What about this time together stands out?
    • Reflect on your favorite memory with your friend. What feelings does this memory bring up? Why is this your favorite memory?
    • How has this friendship positively impacted your life? What changes have occurred in your life as a result of this friendship?

    Kids and Family Gratitude Prompts

    • Reflect on a time today when a family member made you laugh. How did this positively impact you and your day?
    • What does your child/children do that makes you smile? Reflect on how this makes your day better.
    • Think of a time when you needed a family member. How did they show up for you? How did this impact your relationship with them? Why are you the most grateful for this experience?
    • What is something that you do as a family that you enjoy the most? How does this time together bring your family closer together?
    • How has your family helped you through a tough time? Reflect on how having them with you helped you through that time. Reflect on how your relationship with them evolved as a result of it.
    • Reflect on a tradition you share with your family. Think about how this has brought your family together.
    • Think about your last family vacation. What was your favorite part of the whole trip? Reflect on how the trip brought your family together.

    Co-Workers Gratitude Prompts

    • How do your co-workers make your work environment better?
    • In what ways do you connect with your co-workers? How has this connection grown over time? Reflect on how this connection positively impacts your work day.
    • What do you enjoy the most about your time with your coworkers?
    • Think of your work bestie or partner. How do they make your day better? What aspect of the job do they make easier for you? Reflect on how having them has positively impacted your work life.
    • Think of someone at work that has helped you out in a big way. Reflect on the positive impact they have had on your journey. What are you the most grateful for about this person?

    Spending time reflecting on the positives in life and practicing gratitude is a great way to build and keep a positive mindset overall.

    For other writing prompts, check out Gratitude Journal Prompts and Gratitude Journal Prompts for the New Year.

    Jump on over to my Facebook page, Just Your Everyday Mama, and share some of your favorite gratitude prompts!!

    Have a great day!

  • Daily Self-Love Affirmations for the Everyday Mama

    Ever wonder how powerful your own words can be? Once you start incorporating daily self-love affirmations, you’ll see just how powerful they are.

    Affirmations are the bridge between where we are and where we want to be. They pave the way for transformation and growth, leading us towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.” Unknown.

    Daily affirmations are a great tool to keep in your self-care toolbelt. Using them regularly, for any aspect of your life, can help you combat the daily battle with negativity that we all face.

    Importance of Positive Affirmations

    Every day, you are either building or breaking your mental and emotional well-being with how you talk to yourself. Choosing to be positive can make a huge impact overall.

    Positive affirmations influence your mindset and your overall well-being with positive self-talk, gratitude, acceptance, and optimism.

    Incorporating daily affirmations for moms into your everyday routine can help build resilience and promote a positive mental space. In doing this, you are setting yourself up with confidence and clarity.

    Self-Love Affirmations for the Everyday Mama

    You can choose literally anything you want for your affirmations. Word them however you want, as long as they are positive, of course!

    Choose topics that are specific to areas you want to work on showing yourself more self-love. Make them fit your style and wording so that they are more realistic to you.

    If you want some help getting started, I’ve shared some examples of self-love affirmations as well!

    • “I am a loving and capable mother”
    • “I am important and my needs deserve to be honored”
    • “I am strong and resilient. I can handle anything that comes my way!”

    Overcoming Mom Guilt and Self-Judgment

    As moms, no matter how much we do, we never feel like it’s enough. That “mom guilt” is real, and she’s a real b$tch!

    Utilize your affirmations to remind yourself that you are enough. Let’s turn that negative self-criticism into some positive thoughts.

    • “I am doing the best that I can and that is enough”
    • “My child/children are safe, happy, and loved because I am a great mom”
    • “I do not need to be perfect to be the perfect mom to my kids”

    Affirmations For Moms To Build Confidence

    Using daily affirmations to remind yourself that you are a fierce and strong Mama bear can help you gain confidence. Use positive uplifting words and focus on your strengths or how you’ve overcome a challenge.

    • “I did _______ so I know I can do anything!”
    • “I am a good strong role model for my family.”
    • “I will face whatever the day brings and accept all challenges with grace.”

    For other ideas to help boost confidence and build self-esteem, check out my post, Building Bold Mamas.

    Celebrating Your Uniqueness With Self-Love Affirmations

    Life would be pretty boring if we were all the same. Even so, sometimes it can be hard to celebrate those characteristics that make us stand apart. But there is no reason for that!

    You are the most perfect version of yourself, no matter how different or out of place you sometimes feel.

    • “I am perfect the way I am”
    • “I will not let other’s opinions influence how I see myself.”
    • “I am proud to show my uniqueness in all that I do.”
    • “I am proud to be _______.”

    Affirm Your Boundaries and Honor Your Needs

    Sometimes we let ourselves get lost in other’s needs and forget ourselves completely. Or by the time we can focus on our priorities, we have nothing left to give.

    Make it a practice to affirm your boundaries regularly to ensure you aren’t sacrificing your overall well-being.

    • “My needs are important and deserve to be honored”
    • “I am worthy of guilt-free time to myself”
    • “I deserve to set boundaries that protect my peace”

    Integrating Affirmations into Everyday Life

    Adding affirmations to your morning routine can be a great way to get the day started. Use them to set the tone for the day and get your mindset focused.

    Nightly affirmations to reflect on the day are another great way to incorporate them into your day. Focusing on the positives before you lay down for the night can help set the tone for a better night’s sleep as well.

    Keep your affirmations written down and in plain sight to keep you reminded of them throughout the day.

    Remember, your words are a powerful tool. You can use them to start transforming your days with a focused and clear mindset.

    I would love to hear some of your favorite affirmations, too! Jump on over to my Facebook page, Just Your Everyday Mama, and join in on the conversation!

    See you next time, friends!

  • 13 Low-Cost Gardening Tips: Successful Gardening on A Budget

    Have you wanted to try your hand at gardening, but don’t want to take on another expensive hobby? Or are you struggling to keep up with the costs of your current garden? I am here to help!

    I would love to share with you some of my low-cost gardening tips and tricks that I utilize to help save some money on gardening.

    Save Your Seeds

    After the last 5 years of gardening regularly, I am finally at a point where I am saving my seeds from some of my best produce of the year. I never really thought much about saving them for the next year, but I feel like it’s even more of a gardening flex to, not only grow plants from seed but, from seeds that you harvested as well!

    Keep in mind that not every plant seed is equal. Stick with heirloom varieties for seed saving, as that will ensure that you get the type of plant you want. Hybrid varieties can be hit or miss on what grows from the seed since hybrids are a mix of two different plants.

    There are different ways to save, dry, and store different types of seeds so do a little research to find the best method for you. I have recently tried the fermentation method on some of my tomato seeds and I liked it.

    Plant Propagation

    I am a complete newbie to house plants, but I got some from an AMAZING family member and have fallen in love with them. So I have been learning everything I can about caring for them and propagating them. I was lucky enough to receive a beautiful snake plant and was able to separate 5 “babies” from the main plant. Now I have them all in their own planters where they will grow and make their own little “babies” that I can repeat the process with.

    It has been a super fun new hobby to learn about and there are so many different types of plants that you can propagate. You don’t even need an actual plant to get started. You can just get a cutting of a plant and start your journey there.

    But plant propagation isn’t only for houseplants. There are some vegetables and herbs that can be grown from just cuttings. I haven’t dabbled much in this, but I plan to in the upcoming growing season.

    There is a long list of other plants including trees, hedge plants, and vines that can be easily propagated!

    Grow From Scraps

    Another type of propagation I have fallen in love with is trying to regrow from kitchen scraps. We have had a lot of fun experimenting with this as a family. It’s super simple and saves more stuff from going into your trashcan.

    Things like lettuce, green onions, celery, and root vegetables are just a few that can be regrown using the scraps. There are also plenty of items that you can save seeds from to grow, as well. We’ve personally grown starfruit, lemon trees, and a few avocado trees from seed.

    This spring I planted about 15 green onion bulbs that were kitchen scraps. They regrow very easily and fast. We had a pretty endless supply of them all summer. I even had enough extra to dry and turn into a powder that we put on our eggs at breakfast. It’s AMAZING!


    Utilizing compost is one of my favorite ways to enhance my garden plants, while never having to spend a dime. Everything that goes into our bin is absolutely free. Kitchen scraps, plant debris, and dried leaves make up the bulk of our compost bin right now.

    We did initially purchase a bin, but you don’t necessarily have to. It was the best option for us since we currently rent our property and are short on outdoor space. If this is something you are interested in, make sure you do some research on the best method for your situation.

    Utilizing compost enhances your plant’s health, life span, and disease resistance, so it can make a huge difference in your garden.

    Reuse Soil

    Since we have only been using containers for our backyard garden, I usually just purchase new soil every year. But that gets costly. So this year, I decided to reuse some of the soil we had used last year and dumped it at the end of the season.

    If you choose to do this, you will have to add amendments to the soil to help replenish the nutrients in it. I do this by mixing in dried leaves and compost. The dried leaves will continue to break down and slowly release nutrients back into the soil over time.

    You can purchase soil amendments as well if you want to spend a little for this step. Just read up on what would be best suited for your planting needs.

    Save Water

    Setting up a rain barrel or two can be a huge money saver for the garden! Even using water from your cooking can help as well.

    If you’re going to use water from cooking, just make sure it hasn’t been salted or seasoned first.

    Buy Supplies Out of Season/Sale

    I prefer to do most of my shopping during end-of-season sales. You just can’t beat the super cheap prices. It’s a great time to replace some old equipment that may be getting worn out or grab some things for next season!

    Check your local store’s ads for upcoming sales as well. I know our local nursery here always has awesome sales going on.

    Participate in Local Plant Swaps

    Depending on your area, you may be able to find some local plant or seed swaps to participate in. These are a great way to diversify what you grow. I actually found a little table set up at our local Nature center for one. So cool to know that when I have something to swap there is a place close by I can utilize.

    If you can’t find something local, there are tons of Facebook groups out there that do these. Just watch out for scammers.

    Grow Perennials

    Perennial plants come back year after year, so these are a great way to stretch out your money. You usually just plant them once and they die back in the colder seasons to regrow the following spring.

    There are many options for these depending on your needs. You can choose from a variety of flowers, herbs, and even some vegetables. Make sure you research your area’s hardiness zone as well so you know what will be a good fit for you.

    Use What you Have on Hand

    Another passion of mine is DIY. So of course, there’s going to be some DIY happening in the garden. This is a great chance to get creative and an opportunity to recycle. It’s a win-win.

    We save all of our glass jars a lot of the plastic ones to reuse for plants. Small glass jars make great little containers for plant cutting! And really, anything can be a planter if you want it bad enough!!

    Saving different types of items from around the kitchen can also be a good practice in recycling for the whole family! I know Barrett gets very enthusiastic about saving our fruit containers for seed starting in the spring!

    You can repurpose just about anything with a little imagination.

    DIY Structures with Natural Materials

    Making funny-looking trellises for my plants is pretty much a hobby of mine at this point. My boyfriend always makes fun of them. But they hold up and serve their purpose, so I will just continue making them.

    You can easily use sticks and twine to make a quick trellis, like I do, or even a simple teepee-type structure to allow your plants to climb. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy.

    You can also do things in your garden like plant sunflowers with your cucumbers and let the cucumbers climb on up the sunflower stalks. We did this last year and it was beautiful to look at. Make sure you give the plants lots of space for pollination and airflow.

    Thank you friends for taking the time to read through this post! I hope you found some helpful low-cost Gardening tips here that you can incorporate into your gardening on a budget journey! If you haven’t already, take a look at my post about my Backyard Family Garden for more information on how I do things in my garden.

    Check out Just Your Everyday Mama’s Facebook page for new blog posts and updates!

  • Start Your Day with Purpose: A Guide to Setting Intentions

    What if you could wake up in the morning with the inexorable drive to accomplish everything you set out to do? Starting your day by setting intentions can help get your mind focused for the day and ready to crush your goals. You’ll be blown away by the power of setting intentions.

    In this guide, I will help you get started setting intentions for your day to help increase focus, productivity, and more!

    Understanding Daily Intentions

    Daily Intentions are commitments that we make to ourselves each day to help guide us toward our goals, whatever those may be. They are a tool to help direct our focus and energy on what matters the most to us and ensure we are not wasting that energy on the wrong things or less important things.

    Setting intentions can help you approach the upcoming day’s challenges and events. Whether it is with gratitude, positivity, kindness, etc, setting intentions can help influence your mindset and behavior from the moment you wake up.

    Benefits of Setting Intentions

    Setting intentions allows us to align our mindset and actions with our goals. Having a clear intention for the day allows you to focus better on what you need to achieve and how you are going to do it.

    Having a set intention for the day can act as a grounding tool throughout the day as well. When you find yourself caught up in life’s everyday craziness, take some time to review your intentions for the day and recenter yourself. Doing this will also help you keep on track for your goals.

    Examples of Intentions for Everyday Life

    Intentions can cover any topic you would like. It can be whatever is important to you for that day.

    Gratitude-“Today I will cultivate gratitude by appreciating the little things in life. I will take time to thank those in my everyday life who make my day better.”

    Self-Love-“Today I will show appreciation to myself. I will look at myself with love and kindness and only find nice things to say about myself.”

    Mindfulness-“Today I will be present in every moment. I will honor my thoughts and feelings and appreciate my surroundings without judgment.”

    Productivity-“Today I will focus on being productive. I will set goals for the day and strive to reach them before the day is done.”

    Kindness-“I will spread kindness today. Through kind words, small gestures, or giving to others. Today, I will make the day brighter for someone else”.

    How to Set Your Daily Intentions

    1. Reflection: Start by taking time to reflect on your goals and priorities. Contemplate what matters the most and what you hope to achieve with your daily intentions.
    2. Pick Your Area of Focus: Reflect on the different aspects of your life and their priority. Identify one or a few areas that you want to focus on for the day. These could be your relationships with yourself or others, personal health, mindfulness or self-care, etc.
    3. Set Your Intentions: For the topics that you chose, set specific intentions for the day. These should be positive and clear intentions to reflect your priorities for the day and what you want to accomplish.
    4. Write Them Down: Make sure that you write down each of your intentions for the day. Whether it’s on just a piece of paper, in a journal or planner, or a note on your phone. Writing them down is a good way to help solidify them in your head and have them with you as a reminder throughout the day.
    5. Visualize Success: Spend time reflecting on how things could be different if you live out your intentions. Imagine yourself living that life
    6. Review Throughout the Day: Throughout the day, check in with yourself and review your intentions for the day. Ensure that you are acting in alignment with your intentions, and if you’re not, take this opportunity to recenter yourself.
    7. Reflect On the Day: Spend some time at the end of the day to reflect on your intentions. Do you feel your actions aligned well with the day’s daily intentions? Celebrate your wins and accomplishments for the day and reflect on where you feel you may have fallen short. Use this to guide your next day’s daily intentions.

    Intentions Into Habits

    Remember that consistency is key! If you are setting intentions every day and reviewing them throughout the day, these things will become second nature for you over time. Pick things that you want to be a regular habit so that you reinforce these things and they become ingrained in your mind.

    Create a morning routine that is centered around your daily intentions. Make it a part of your morning, every morning. Use this time to set the tone for the day and set yourself up to focus on your priorities.

    Remember to be kind to yourself and flexible when necessary with your intention setting.

    Jump on over and check out the Just Your Everyday Mama Facebook page for more awesome content!

    If you enjoyed this post, you may also enjoy my posts ‘Set the Tone: Start the New Year Off Right‘ and ‘Building Bold Mamas: Gain Confidence and Self-Esteem as an Everyday Mama‘.