Building Bold Mamas: Gain Confidence and Self-Esteem as an Everyday Mama
I cannot remember a time in my life when I truly felt comfortable in my skin and I hate that. I’ve never had the confidence that others seem to just radiate so brightly and easily. It’s always been something that makes me feel more negative towards myself.
If this resonates with you, my friend, then join me as I say “ENOUGH is ENOUGH!” This life is too damn precious and short to go through it feeling any other way than like the Queens that we are!
Let’s dive in and discuss some ways to gain confidence and self-esteem as an everyday mama.
Table of Contents
The Importance of Confidence as a Mom
One of the greatest gifts as a mother is to see the confidence that shines in your child’s eyes. Your child wants to see that in your eyes too, mama. And you deserve to feel it.
When you exude confidence, your children will see and absorb it, even if you don’t realize it. You set the example for them. Don’t let them think that you are willing to settle for feeling less than your best.
When you approach the challenges you face in motherhood, with a sense of confident assurance, you foster trust and a sense of stability for your children.
“You can’t pour from an empty cup” is a statement that has resonated with me so much lately. I let my cup get empty while I was busy making sure that everyone else’s was full to the brim.
For me, this became very apparent in the form of a few health concerns and anxiety issues that could have been taken care of with a bit better self-care. I never realized how much anxiety can affect you physically and I sure found out.
Make time for yourself to enjoy something you love, take that extra long shower, or have that girl’s night with your besties. Do something that’s going to help you fill your cup back up. We all need it from time to time.
If you don’t have something that you do for yourself, make the time, find the hobby, and get the coffee. Whatever it is. Do it.
It’s so important for us to have this time for ourselves. You gotta take care of yourself. It will help you feel your best and allow you to continue taking such great care of your loved ones.
Check out my post here, for some other quick tips on self-care.
Socialization can be an amazing tool in the journey to gain confidence and self-esteem. Finding local support groups, playgroups, or friend groups that meet regularly can benefit you greatly.
Prioritize those relationships in your life that really help you grow and have a positive impact on your life. Spend time with those who value your time and presence. Spending time with these people helps lift you up, keeps you positive, and gives support.
Distance yourself from those that are toxic. That constant negativity is not good for you. Not good for anyone. Don’t let this type of relationship take priority in your life. It will only make you feel all of that negativity. You don’t deserve that and don’t need it.
Goal Setting and Achieving
Setting goals, even the smallest of goals, and achieving them is a great way to gain confidence and self-esteem. Every single step is a step in the right direction so don’t forget to celebrate those small victories, even when the bigger ones seem to outshine them.
When you need a little boost, spend some time reflecting on the goals that you have already achieved and acknowledge how far you have come. Let it be a reminder of all you have overcome. You can always do this when you need a little more inspiration as well.
Practice Gratitude and Positive Affirmations
Practicing gratitude can come in many forms. You can journal, keep a gratitude jar, keep a list, etc. I personally prefer to journal and enjoy it very much. I have fun finding different prompts to lead my writing. It helps to keep it interesting to have different ideas and ways to look at things.
When we spend time practicing gratitude in our everyday life it can help us to focus on, not what we lack, but the abundance of positives in our lives and help to shift to a more positive mindset.
The way we talk to ourselves and the thoughts that we choose to let take up space in our brains absolutely influence how we feel about ourselves. The negative self-talk that we are all so fluent in builds up and brings us down.
Instead of letting the negative self-talk continue to build up, turn it around, challenge it, and turn it into an affirmation for you. You got this.
Embrace Your “Imperfection”
Our ideas of perfection have become so skewed in the age of social media. We are bombarded by people telling us how we should look, eat, live, and breathe. It can be very overwhelming and lead to negative self-perceptions if we let ourselves be consumed by it.
We need to embrace the things that set us apart from others. Celebrate your individuality. Life would be so boring if we all fit into the same mold.
I hope that you have found something helpful here today friends! Jump on over to my Facebook page and share some ways that you help gain confidence and self-esteem!
A great list!
I always forget to fill up my own cup!! Thank you for the reminder!
My sister needs to read this.
I hope she finds her way here!