spring 2023 Fenby farm md hike

Spring 2023!!

Hello there, friends!! I hope you are doing fabulous today! We have been busy, busy lately! On top of our usual spring shenanigans, family is coming into town soon! Josh’s parents will be here in a couple of days and we can’t wait!

We decided to do our spring cleaning this past weekend so that everything is nice and clean when Grandma and Grandpa get here! It’s one of my favorite springtime activities. I love getting to see everything in the house fresh, clean, and ready to go.

Mother Nature has been feeling gracious lately with her spring weather, so we have been able to go to the park almost every day! And we have been able to meet up with some of our friends for some amazing hikes and playdtaes.

Currently we are following a local parks and rec program with a goal of walking one hundred miles by the end of the year. These last few weeks have given us a great start! We have gotten to walk some of our favorite trails and enjoy their beauty in the warm sunshine.

With all this beautiful weather, I have had to really rein myself in from going crazy buying plants already! But I know better by now and it’s better to wait instead of losing the plants to a surprise frost.

But we have been able to do a few spring gardening-related activities. Including a few trips to the dollar store for some new planters and seeds. I have gotten some planters in the past from there that have become some of my favorites over the years.

I have spent some time planning out our garden as well. We are going to try some companion container gardening this spring and summer that I am really looking forward to. We are pretty limited on space and ability to plant since we rent, so I am hoping that this will let us get an even bigger crop this year.

For our companion gardening we are going to be using the “Three Sisters” method and plant corn, beans and squash in a few different containers. Ive have zero experience with this so I’m hoping it works out like it should.

We are also going to be planting some sunflowers to use as a climbing pole for our cucumbers. I’ve never grown sunflowers before, but Barrett and I cannot wait to see them in bloom!

The weather has been too beautiful to not try to start growing something. So we grabbed some of our seeds and egg carton and headed out into the beautiful sunshine! We were able to get our sunflowers and corn started a little early to give them a headstart. I want to make sure they are nice and sturdy to hold up lots of fresh garden goodies!

Thank you for stopping by today, friends! I would love to hear all about what you are up to so far this spring, leave me a comment or jump on over to my Facebook page and join the conversation there!

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