5 Ways to Help With Stay-At-Home Mom Isolation
Hello there Friends!! Something that has come up a lot in conversation recently for me has been “Stay-At-Home Mom Isolation”. I didn’t even realize that this was a thing until a mom friend of mine put it into words. Then BAM, I realized exactly what she meant.
Stay-at-home mom loneliness is a whole other level of feeling isolated. Not only was my interaction with other adults limited to playdates, story times, and the poor store clerks I would chat with, but I had nothing for just me. Even my bathroom time was a joint venture. All of my time and focus were consumed by this little tornado of endless energy that never stops moving or talking.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I absolutely loved it and we have made some pretty awesome friends. I wouldn’t trade a second of that time, but If I could go back I would do a few things differently.
The more I mentioned the stay-at-home mom’s loneliness to other moms around me, the more I found I was far from alone.
So, if you can relate to this, then let me offer you some tips to help with stay-at-home mom isolation.
Table of Contents
Prioritize Yourself
I did not do this enough. I considered all my time to be for Barrett. I didn’t have any balance with my time. Everything I did revolved around him and our family’s needs. I am still not very good about this but I am getting better.
It’s so important as moms, that we have something that we do for ourselves. Whether this is doing a craft, reading a book, or practicing some self-care and pampering. You absolutely have to have some time that are you doing exactly what you want to do on no one else’s schedule.
Remember that you can’t pour from an empty cup. Making time for yourself and honoring your own needs ensures that you are refilled enough to continue to give the amazing level of care to your family that you do.
Check out this post for some Quick and Easy Self-Care Ideas.
Turn Your Energy Outward
This goes pretty well with “Make Time for Yourself”. Find something that you love to do and that you can focus your time and energy on. This could be a craft, sport, etc. The goal is to find something that you enjoy doing and do it. Use your free time and energy for this and not spend so much time in your head.
You could join a hobby group if there is one local to you that matches your hobby. Or volunteer somewhere in your local community.
Get Out!
This is a lesson that I learned that got driven home during the pandemic. One of The best things that we can do when we are feeling alone or down is to get outside. Go for a walk. Doesn’t have to be miles and miles. Just get out in the fresh air and away from the isolation of being inside. It can do wonders for you.
I have spoken with a lot of other SAHMs and this is something that we always end up talking about. Getting out into the fresh air can be a lifesaver some days. It’s even better if you can find some like-minded individuals to spend this time with.
Find Local Moms Groups
I am currently a member of more than a few local mom groups. It has been such a great way to connect with others around me who are going through the same or similar experiences as me on this motherhood journey. And we have made some pretty awesome friends through these groups.
I have had days when we want to do something but none of our friends are available, so I will sometimes just post in our local mom group to see if anyone wants to get together. We’ve made some lasting friendships from doing this a few times. Some of my son’s best friends are a result of a random “anybody wanna go hiking today” post.
If you don’t feel like getting out, these groups are amazing for just finding other mamas to vent to or chat with. This mama thing can be so hard some days and it’s amazing to have these individuals to reach out to.
Attend Local Storytimes
Our local library has been my saving grace on more than one occasion. We have attended story times at our local library since Barrett was only a few months old. This has been amazing for getting out, meeting new moms and kids, and getting some social time in. We have met some amazing people through these story times who have made an impact on our lives for the better.
Sometimes our library even does story times at other locations! We’ve attended them at a local nature center and had such a blast! These are a win all the way around! Get out in nature and get some story time in!
Libraries are not the only place to find story times either. You can sometimes find them at local bookstores, schools, and even online options as well if you can’t get out.
Create Your Own Playgroup
If you’re the take-charge type or like to plan things, then this is perfect. You can reach out via social media to connect with other local moms to create a regular playgroup.
The issue of stay-at-home mom loneliness is a huge one for some of us. But just know, you really are not alone here! I hope that some of these tips come in handy!
Thanks for stopping by today friends!
Great reminders! I was a stay at home mom for 2 years and thought it was going to be awesome but it was so hard. Hope this helps a SAHM out there.
Thanks for sharing! I agree it is so important to make time for yourself as a SAHM. I learned this the hard way as well. Very relatable post and it’s nice to know there are other moms out there who feel this way at times.
It has been very comforting knowing i am not alone in this!
I really wish I could go back in time and give this to my mom when my sister and I were just born. Because she went through a short period when she was lonely and bored most of the time. These are all so great! Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you for the response! Its such a hard thing that we don’t talk nearly enough about!
Such a helpful post to help new mamas get out there and not isolate themselves during this massive life change.
Definitely!!! I never imagined this would be an issue I would face as a mom.
All great suggestions! Isolation effects so many people, especially since the pandemic. Some great tips for the moms out there.
Yes, the pandemic was a huge eye opener for me about this. I never realized that so many people were effected by this until recently.