Art Journaling For Kids
Art Journaling for Kids
Hello there, friends! Thank you for finding your way to my site today. I wanted to share with you a fun little activity that we do. It is a great way to use up stickers, old artwork, etc. And we all know that we have plenty of those floating around!
I put together an Art Journal for Barrett and we have such a blast creating in it. I love being able to just give him art supplies and letting him go to town with them. It is such a cool process to watch. This is also great practice for scissors skills and other fine motor skills, writing, and creative process. The possibilities are truly endless with a craft like this.
This journal is my favorite way to use up some of the artwork we have around the house as well. We all know how guilty we feel throwing away anything our kids have made. This way they recycle it into something new and have it to keep without it just sitting in a pile or a drawer. It’s a win-win!
Let’s dive in and get to the good stuff.
Creating The Actual Journal
This can be as easy or as complicated as you want it to be. I personally used a book that I had made years ago for recipes and just never used it. I did a basic sewn binding into a hardback book cover that I gutted. Nothing fancy. I did decorate it using scrapbook paper, wash tape, and stickers.

You do not have to go through that much trouble. You can use an old book or magazine as well. You can also just simply staple some pieces of paper together to make a little booklet. Heck, start it out with just a couple of pieces of paper and figure it out later! Just make it fun!
What Supplies Do You Need?
The supply list can be absolutely whatever you have around the house that you don’t mind getting destroyed. We’ve used just old felt pieces on some pages. It can be anything. The only rule I have for putting stuff in is that I need to be able to close the book comfortably. (There was a toy dinosaur incident haha). I will leave a list below of ideas in case you need a little inspiration.

- Old artwork
- Magazines/newspapers
- Scrap fabrics
- Twine/yarn/string
- Stickers
- Ribbon
- Pictures out of coloring books
- Tissue or wrapping paper
- Gift bags
- Stickers
- Foam shapes
- Feathers
- Greeting cards
- Markers
- Crayons
- Paints
- Dot markers
- Scrapbook paper
- Pretty much any paper
- Special memory items
What To Do
Have fun and let your kiddo’s creativity soar! I personally usually encourage Barrett to do a bit on his own and then after he has had some time to focus on his own, I jump in and we create a few pages together.

We combine everything, from drawing and practicing our letters to cutting pages out of magazines and gluing them down. We have a few pages where we used some of his old artwork as the main background and then decorated and built around that image.
You can easily turn this into a more guided activity by using specific sets of items or images that coincide with a theme. Or you can let chaos rein and put all the supplies out together!
Thank you so much for stopping by today friends! And I hope that you and your kiddos find this activity as much fun as we do! Jump on over to my Facebook page and share your Art Journaling pages with me!! See ya there!
All activities are intended to be done under complete adult supervision and with adult assistance as needed per Child’s necessity.
This is a great Hygge activity which resonates with me so much. Thanks for sharing
That makes me very happy to hear!! Thank you for checking out the post, friend!