Kids Christmas Ornament Crafts
2 Easy and Budget Friendly Kids Christmas Ornament Crafts
Good morning friends! I hope you are doing well this morning! We are starting to gear up for the holidays here in my home and I am so excited!. I never thought I would be the type of person to want to start decorating my home in early November, but after having a kid, I just can’t help but get into the spirit! We start December with a full list of activities to really kick off the Christmas season. I will be sharing our current list for 2022 Christmas in another post since it’s still in rough draft form at this point.
For this post, I am going to highlight some of our favorite previous holiday ornament crafts with you. I will include supply lists, where we purchased materials, instructions, and pictures if I can find some that we have taken. Most of the materials we use come from Dollar Tree so they are really affordable.
Popsicle Stick Stars:
These are super easy and so fun to make. They are also very versatile so you are not limited to only stars. We’ve done little trees, characters, etc. and there are a ton of ideas out there to take these to the next level. This year we are going to try little red trucks. I will post those as soon as I can because I am so excited!

There are so many different ways to set these up depending on your child’s ability level. For us, I use a hot glue gun and make the shapes beforehand, then let Barrett decorate. It could also be done the other way though and they could decorate them before they are assembled.
When it comes to decorating these, the sky is the limit. Crayons, markers, paints, stickers, etc. can all be used. Dollar Tree is our go-to for most of these items as well. There are so many small decorations and embellishments that you can get for these!
These also make GREAT Christmas gifts from the kiddos. You can thank me later haha.
Popsicle sticks– Dollar tree or Walmart. We usually use a mix of plain ones and multicolored ones. Each bag contains a lot so you will probably have some leftovers for other stuff.
Glue- Regular school glue works fine if you don’t mind waiting for them to dry, but I usually just use the hot glue gun.
Twine or string- This is needed to make a loop to hang it on the tree.
Embellishments- Whatever you have to use.
Hanging Snow Globe:

We made these for the first time last year and will be doing them again. And again. We had such a blast picking out the inside decorations for these and making them. They are super versatile so they can be made to fit any style or decor. And they can be as budget-friendly or as fancy as you want to make them.
We buy our supplies for these from….you guessed it! Dollar Tree! I will note that it’s probably better to shop for these supplies a little earlier in the season since they tend to run out later on. I usually start picking up these supplies in early to middle of November to ensure we have a good variety.
The first step is to decide on an ornament to use. DT has pre-made clear ones that open at the bottom to make it easy peasy to make these. Once you have the ornament picked out, you can pick out what will go inside of them. You are limited by what will comfortably fit inside and still look the way you want it. With that being said, there is still a humungous number of possibilities for these. We usually just walk all throughout DT and see what we can find in the different aisles. Last year we decided on the small figurines that go with the Christmas villages. These are a perfect size and have a great base for gluing. You can also use small action figures, ornaments, pictures, etc. The possibilities are pretty endless with these.
Next, pick out what kind of filler you want to use. We use the small styrofoam balls from DT. Add some glitter and it creates a beautiful effect. We also like to grab ribbon to cover the bottom portion of the ornament and some string or twine to hang it with. The hard part is done!
To Assemble:
Lay the inside decorations how you want them to look inside the snow globe. Once you get them just right, glue them down to the inside portion of the bottom of the ornament. Make sure the globe can comfortably close with a little room to spare. Let it dry.
Take the clear globe part and pour in your filler. Fill it to your liking. Then screw in the bottom part of the globe that has your decorations glued to it, ensuring everything fits comfortably. If it is too tight, take out some of the filler. Once you get it all to fit just right, apply some glue to the outside threads and screw both pieces together.
If you like the look of it as is, no need to add anything else. But you can add some ribbon to hide the bottom portion of the ornament and some bows to it as well if you would like. Then just get some string or twine and attach it to the top. Done and Done.
Note: I do not add water to these. You can, but I choose to avoid the hassle of potential leaks that could happen.
Globe Ornament- Dollar Tree is my go-to for these, but Joanns, Michaels, and Amazon all have them available as well. They may be a different style than what I have been discussing, but the process should be about the same.
Miniature decorations– Whatever you can find that you like and will fit.
Filler– Styrofoam balls, glitter, confetti, etc. Pretty widely available as well.
Ribbon– We use DT ribbon for this usually.
Glue and String
These are some of our favorites so far. And they are so versatile! I will be posting more in the coming weeks! Until then, be well, friends!