Monday Musings

Hello there, friends! I hope you are having a great day so far! I wanted to take some time today and share some thoughts I have been pondering recently. I have spent a lot of time lately doing some inner reflection that has had an enormous impact on the way I see things and I thought others may find it interesting.

You only get one trip around the Sun.

I know that we all know this, but I feel like I have never really put enough thought into it. Like, really thought about what it means. But if this is my one trip, I want to make it a damn good one for sure! I do not want to find myself years later with nothing but regrets.
Over the years I have managed to talk myself out of some pretty terrific things and I refuse to continue to do that. I have spent so much time worrying about things that don’t matter in the long run and have no effect on my life. Thanks to overthinking and anxiety, I have let opportunities pass that would have been life-changing.
And trying new things? You could spend your entire life trying new things and there would still be so many things that you would miss out on. How terrible is it that so many of us spend our lives in a bubble? We sleep, eat the same foods over and over, work, stare at our electronics, and repeat. We don’t go on adventures nearly enough! Or try a new food that is way out of our comfort zones. Or even do something spontaneous. I want to try as many new things as possible in this life. I have spent part of my life in that bubble, but not anymore!

Who cares if I have cellulite or rolls when I bend over? NO ONE

I am screaming this to myself over and over again for the last few months. I have always been self-conscious about my body and its features. My cellulite, my stretch marks, my wonky eye. The list goes on. I tend to wear baggy clothing to hide my tummy roll and up until this summer, I NEVER wore shorts. Well, not anymore, bitchachos. I bought new shorts this year and absolutely loved wearing them, jiggly cellulite and all. Heck, I even bought a 2 piece bathing suit as well. I always had this idea that I needed to look a particular way to feel attractive. Be skinnier, dye my hair, always wear make-up, etc. All the things I thought were necessary to feel good about myself. I never achieved this, though. And I am so thankful for that.
I realized that it’s not me that needs to change, just how I think about myself. My cellulite- it’s genetic. I can’t do a darn thing about it. My tummy- carried and gave life to the coolest dude around. And, of course, my wonky eye- HA! Good luck winning a staring contest against me! A little switch to positive thinking has gone a long way for me.
As far as worrying that someone will look at my outfit and think “oh, she looks fat and frumpy” or whatever it is I feel like people think. It all comes down to this. Does it really matter? The answer is super simple.
NOPE! It doesn’t matter, not even a little bit. I am focusing more on the things that actually do matter. Am I comfortable? Is my kid happy? Check and check.

Be More Kind

There has been a lot of “kindness” talk lately, and I love it! We should all be more kind. Kind to ourselves, kind to our neighbors, kind to animals. If we all truly only get one trip around the Sun, why be anything but kind?

Thanks for stopping by today, friends! I hope you enjoyed my little musings for the day. Have a wonderful rest of the day and week!

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