The Universe At Work

Do you ever have a time when you feel like there are all these pieces of things around you just waiting to fall into place? Like, you have so many things up in the air. They are all just hovering there. You’ve got these ideas swimming around in your brain. Ideas that are about to collide with each other and create this beautiful, wonderful, stupendous….thing. 

I don’t know what it is yet, but I’m listening to my gut. It’s telling me something big is coming my way. I. CAN. NOT. WAIT. 

There is just something about the timing of this blog, how it just clicked in my head one day, that “Today is the day”.It fits so well into our family and some upcoming changes we will be having in the future. It all just kind of fits. Like it was always meant to be this way, but it just needed these other things to fall into place first. 

I remember feeling this way when I decided to leave Arizona and drive back to my childhood home in New York. The idea had always bounced around in my head, but never seemed reasonable. Then one day, BAM! It clicked. The pieces just fell together and it was time to go. That ended up being one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Even something as simple as this blog post. I’ve had this topic written down to write about for weeks. Up until right now, it didn’t feel right. The words I wanted to articulate just wouldn’t come through. As I sat here tonight getting my stuff out of my bag to start writing, I was thinking about a few things I wanted to work on. All of a sudden, that made me think of this and the words started to flow. So crazy how that works. 

My original thought had been about universal meetings. Like how you don’t meet people until you’re absolutely supposed to. Or people are put into your lives at a specific time. That was spurred on by a recent meeting with a new friend. We have literally lived right behind each other for years and somehow have never run into each other before. We both have boys the same age, we use the same walking trail near our homes, and we are active in similar circles. Yet somehow, we never connected before. When we finally did, we started seeing other everywhere! At the store, playgrounds, the library, and so on. We both even said that it must be the universe at work!

I have also recently had the pleasure of spending time with a few different moms that share a similar head space with me. It’s like somehow, we don’t meet these people until we are ready. Or they enter our lives at just the right time to help our growth. 

Whatever it is, God or the Universe, it is such a crazy beautiful thing. 

STORYTIME! Josh and I have been friends for almost 20 years (yikes!) We were best friends for a while, tried dating (a few times), didn’t work, stayed friends, and had a falling out, fast forward to 6 years ago. We hadn’t talked in like 3-4 years at that point. We had no idea where the other one lived. We knew nothing about each other’s lives. We didn’t have each other’s phone numbers anymore. You get the picture. I do an update on my phone and get a random Facebook message from Josh that had been sent like a year or so ago that I had never gotten. and He had since deleted his account. I was in a relationship at the time, so I deleted the message and moved on. 

That relationship was coming to an end since my feelings were waning. I ended up spending an accidentally drunken night at a friend’s house when she was doing my hair. We sat on her back porch and talked and talked. It was a beautiful night. We talked about things just like this, actually. And we sang. Maybe that was just me? hehe. That night had a profound impact on my life. 

One of the topics we talked about was Josh. I have no recollection of what we talked about, but I know it was about him. It set into motion a series of events that led to this warm, happy bubble that is my life. I let a few days go by, but couldn’t stop thinking that I should reach out to Josh. It actually kind of started to bother me. Almost like I was being nagged or pushed to reach out to him. I finally gave in and messaged one of his buddies that I was friends with on Facebook. I give him my number and ask him to have josh shoot me a message. He does and I get a message from josh a little while later. We briefly chatted and then said goodbye when I realized I had no real reason to reach out to him. 

As it turns out though, he was in the same relationship boat that I was. 

We both ended up with those relationships ending a short time later, within days of each other, actually. (Let me reiterate, we had no contact other than that short text exchange for like 4 years).

A short time later I get a text from Josh and we start catching up. And yes, I was all googly-eyed over him again just through text. We find out that we don’t actually live too far apart and he was going to be driving up my way in the next couple of weeks to visit family. We talk some more and he ends up driving up early to stay in town and hang out with me on his way to visit family. I bring my Xbox and a 6-pack to greet him at the hotel (it’s not as terrible as it sounds, it’s a very US thing). Everything fell right back into place; It was like we hadn’t spent a day apart. We faced some obstacles; long distance is a bitch, but we managed. 

Now here we are, all because of some push from the universe. If I hadn’t moved to New York, we would have never been able to see each other. If we had been in different phases of our relationships when I reached out, would Josh have even saved my number? If I hadn’t had that drunken night with my girlfriend, would I have had that nagging feeling to reach out to Josh? I realize these are questions I will never have the answers to, but it’s just so crazy to think how different things could be if you don’t listen to your gut and have patience. 

If you made it this far, you must know me personally and are already used to my ramblings! Thank you so much for taking the time today to read my post! I hope you have an amazing rest of your day, friend!

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