2023 Summer Bucket List

Hello friends!! Summer is right around the corner, so I am sharing my “2023 Summer Bucket List” with you today!

Every year, we make a summer bucket list and have had such a blast marking items off the list, as a family, over the years. We like to pick a pretty wide range of things to put on the list. Anything from “go out and get ice cream” to “go to an amusement park” etc.

Get creative with it! Maybe choose some places to visit that you otherwise may not be able to go. Or try some new foods that you have wanted to try. Or look up some new ones! Have fun with it!!

I keep a fair balance on our list of activities for the whole family or just me and Barrett. I like to include things like “visit 10 new playgrounds” to help us get motivated to branch out a little from our regular spots.

The bucket list is also nice to have around for those days that you just cant figure out what to do. It could be a very useful thing to help you find some boredom breakers!

I will be updating here and my Facebook page with pictures and updates! I would love to hear your bucket list ideas as well! Come on and join the conversation, friends! I can’t wait to hear from you!

P.S. We have gotten a headstart, even though it isn’t summer yet! Ill share some pics in the near future!!

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