My Amazing Community
Hi, there friends!! I hope you are well today! I am feeling very full today. Full of appreciation for the wonderful community I live in. There are so many amazing things in our area. I was just chatting with another mom the other day about how nice it is to be able to drive ten minutes and have every store you could need, but there are still plenty of wooded areas and beautiful natural parks to enjoy. Plus, some awesome farms and orchards.
Every time our lease comes up, we always debate moving somewhere new (we both get the moving bug from time to time). But when we sit down and weigh it out, this place has won 3 times so far. It’s hard to imagine a more perfect place for us.
We spend a lot of time at our local libraries. Barrett LOVES books!! It is my dream come true! We read about 2-4 books a night most of the time. Sometimes during the day he will grab a stack of them and sit down on my lap to read. He is such a smart kid, too. At three and a half, he is already able to read quite a large amount of 3-5 letter words. Now, we are careful what we spell out in front of him! His current favorite pretend play is “library”. He sets up the books in the couch creases and pretends I am the patron and he is the librarian. I ask him for books based on different things on the covers, like certain words, an animal, a color, etc. Then he picks out that book for me and checks it out to me. It’s super cute and his idea, but I totally run with it. It makes my mama’s heart all warm and fuzzy that he loves his local library and books so much.

We also have an abundance of parks, playgrounds, and hiking and walking trails. We recently joined a local family hiking group and have gotten to explore some new areas with them. We have also gotten to meet some awesome people as well! And the playgrounds are all so convenient to get the kiddos to blow off some steam. We are lucky to have quite a few choices very close to us. It’s always nice to get out and enjoy the fresh air.

Additionally, we are blessed to live in an area with many locally owned, small businesses. All of the small business owners I have met here have turned out to be some of the most supportive and uplifting people I have ever met. I love the sense of community that this creates. Neighbors helping neighbors. It’s a wonderful thing. If you haven’t already, check out my post here, highlighting a fantastic little boutique in Sykesville, Md.
Through these activities and places, I have had the pleasure of meeting so many nice people in the area. Through some local groups, I’ve met some AMAZING women. I’m happy to say I have made some pretty phenomenal friends here!
I never imagined I would be the play date hosting, park-going every other day, stay-at-home mom. But I am so happy to be doing it in a such wonderful place.
Thanks for stopping by the page and reading my random ramblings about my awesome community! Have a great day, friends!