Launch Day!

Alright!!!! Here we go, y’all!! Thank you for finding your way to page my today. I hope you are as excited as I am for launch day! (Okay, maybe not that excited heehee).

Let me start by saying a big THANK YOU!! To everyone that has reached out and shown support these past few weeks. It means so much to me to know that so many people want to see me succeed. Thank you, Thank you, Thank YOU!!

For those of you that don’t know me, HI! I’m Amanda. Ive been a stay at home mom for the last three and a half years. My boyfriend, Josh, and I have been together (again, but that’s a whole other story) for five years and we have an AMAZING son named Barrett. We live in Maryland currently with our cat, Heath, and dog, Boozie. 

Before I was a stay at home mom, I was a medical assistant with various certifications in Dermatology and Orthopedics. I would have thought having that experience would have prepared me a little  better for life with a tiny human, but nope! Ha! These little dudes are tiny, smelly savages! And I don’t want to miss a second of it. 

Ever since Barrett was very young, he has shown interest in learning and a love for books. We foster that by doing a lot of fun learning activities at home and we also spend ALOT of time at our local libraries. I will have an upcoming series highlighting some of our awesome activities that we have done over the years. I will also share a template for our weekly schedule at a later time.  

As much as I enjoy all this time and fun with my little man, some days its so hard to see where he ends and I begin. Ive realized that, over the years, I have kind of just stopped doing anything outside of family or kid stuff. I have no real hobbies of my own. No real outlet anymore. So, here it is, me finding my drive for creativity again. 

It has been so much fun already learning some new software for the blog. I will also be trying my hand at photography! That’s something I have always wanted to try and now I have a really good excuse! I can’t wait to share some photos with you along this journey. I am also very excited to dust off my old writing skills. Be patient with me, its been a while!

I have a ton of ideas for this blog and can’t wait to see it grow to its potential. A few that I have upcoming are : Hack Series, Small Business series, Insta pot and air fryer recipes, family friendly healthy treats and meals, easy DIY crafts, and MORE MORE MORE!  Im looking to make this blog into something that can help make your life a little easier and have some fun in the process!

Tomorrow will be the first in my Hacks series. This will be a weekly series of super short posts that will include something for everyone! I will cover everything from kitchen, bathroom, storage and MORE! All of these hacks are something I either use on a regular basis or something I have at least tried for the sake of this blog.  Either way, I am sure everyone will find something that they find useful or entertaining.

Also check out my Facebook page a for weekly Small Business Saturday post. This will be an opportunity to share and connect with other small business owners.

With all that being said, this is going to be a fun adventure and I am ecstatic that I will have you all along for the ride. See you tomorrow, friends!

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