Bacon Grease Disposal Hack
Hello there Friends! I hope this post finds you well! I am so excited for this new series. A, potentially long, “Hack” series! Everyone loves a good hack, amiright?
I reached out on a few different social media platforms for some hacks that you all have seen and wondered about so I could give them a try. Based on the responses, my experiments, and my previous everyday hacks, I am putting together a series of general life “hacks”. It will range from everyday life hacks, kitchen hacks, money saving hacks, etc.
I will keep most of these hack posts pretty short. Just the meat and potatoes. And, because I am so excited for this, I wanted to kick it off by sharing my very favorite, everyday kitchen hack!! We use this hack almost every single day in my house. Okay, here goes….

An aluminum foil lined mug for bacon grease. That’s right, of course my favorite hack would have something to do with bacon. But, yes! That’s it! Super simple, no mess, and super easy clean up. Just let it cool down and then wrap it up and throw it in the trash.
We still keep a jar of bacon grease in the freezer to cook with if we need it, but no more worrying about where to put the grease when the jar is full and you don’t want to or can’t start a new one. Love Love Love this hack so much!
I hope you all have enjoyed the first of my #HACKS posts! Keep an eye out for next weeks #HACKS post!