
Plastic bag trick

Kitchen Hack

Hello there, Friends! Thanks for checking out my second post of the #HACKS series! I hope you enjoyed the Bacon grease hack from my first post! If you haven’t seen it yet, give it a look. It’s a super useful little trick that we use all the time.

For todays #HACKS post, I have another super useful little trick that we use regularly in our kitchen. This one is even more simple than the last, but it’s a little bit of kitchen help that we like.

When you are opening a new package of chicken and know that you are going to save the rest in a plastic bag, this is a little hack to help. Open the ziplock bag all the way and fold over the top of the bag. This holds the bag open and stops you from getting raw chicken all over the bag!

Hope this is something that you can utilize in the future!! Until next time, friends!!

PPPSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTT……. I promised a bonus recipe today. I figured if you went through the trouble of reading my blog, then you deserved more than just a bag being folded over Haha! but seriously, its a good trick. But, without further ado, I give you an easy-peasy one post insta meal. Im not calling it a recipes because, I’m gonna be upfront with you. I don’t usually measure anything. I’ll try to do better!

One Pot Insta Meal

Honestly, this is so easy, it should be considered a hack!

In our house, Josh is the cook. It’s by his choice, but we are way better off with him in charge in the kitchen! So on nights that he isn’t home or doesn’t feel like cooking, I have something we can throw together and not have to worry about it.

We have the Ninja Foodi something in something combo air fryer/pressure cooker, so some things may be a little different on your machine.

I pretty much always have frozen meatballs, pasta, and sauce on hand so that’s helpful for this because that’s all you need! And this always makes leftovers for us so it saves me from having to make lunch the next day, which is always a win!

A friend of mine actually told me about this a couple of months ago so I cannot take credit for the idea. But here goes:

  • Step 1: Line around the perimeter inside of the big pot with meatballs. Cram some in the middle if you need more.
  • Step 2: Pour about a half a box of pasta into the center of the ring made by the meatballs.
  • Step 3: Cover ALL of the pasta with sauce. This is super important. If some pasta doesn’t get covered, it could end up being undercooked.
  • Step 4: Pour 1 cup of water or broth around the outside of the ring made by the meatballs. Try not to let it splash around or it could uncover the pasta.
  • Step 5: Place pressure lid on and locked, seal vent and turn her on. Let it build pressure and set the timer for half the time required on the pasta box.
  • Step 6: Once done, let it natural release for 10 minutes, then control release until it stops. If you release too soon, it could cause the sauce to splash up and the meatballs to not be fully cooked.
  • Step 7: serve it up and EAT!

Again, I’m not calling this a “recipe”, just an idea!  Have an amazing day, friends! 

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