Fixing My Mental Health
Ways I am Improving My Mental Health
Hello there, friends! I hope you are having a fantastic day so far!
I wanted to take this time to write about some changes that I have made that have helped improve my mental health. I am by no means an expert. I will only be sharing MY experience, so take it with a grain of salt.
This was a must for me. Regularly, I am a set-it-down-and-forget-it type of person. This makes for a lot of clutter and piles everywhere.
When I started feeling stagnate recently, I knew I needed a change. So I started going through my rather large and full closet. After three days of taking it apart numerous times to rearrange and minimize it, I was able to get it just right.
Then, I did the same to every other room in the house. Six large trash bags and three big boxes of stuff later, I took it all to Goodwill and haven’t looked back.
It feels so awesome to have all that extra stuff gone and have space available if I need it. And having everything organized feels AMAZING. I have made quite a lot of my day to day routines easier, just by having things organized.
This is another must for me. If it’s not written down, I won’t remember it. Everything goes into my planner. Everything. I use it to keep track of our day-to-day stuff, cleaning schedule, blog stuff, workouts, lessons and activities for Barrett, and more. As I said, everything goes in the planner.
We make a meal plan and grocery list weekly so that we don’t have to figure it out last minute and that is our guide for meals for the week and grocery shopping.
I prep everything I can ahead of time. It makes things so much easier in the long run. So much stuff can be done ahead of time to save you the trouble and time later on. Prep food, and clothes for the next day, coffee for the morning, and pack your bag (if needed) for the morning so you can just grab and go. It is so nice to have a little less on your mind.
Twice a week, I prep food for the next couple of days. I cut vegetables, and fruits, cook whatever is needed, etc. This way, it’s ready when you need it and you can grab and go. So easy and helpful and saves so much time later on.
Setting Goals
Sitting down and planning out my future goals is one of my favorite things to do. I love getting to put all of my goals on paper and organize them. I tend to be pretty ambitious, so I never make things too easy on myself.
Previously, I only wrote out my goals for the year, but I have started writing them out yearly, monthly, and weekly.
Once everything is written out and organized how I want it, I can look at the things that I want to accomplish and make a plan. It’s a beautiful thing.
Taking Me Time
As a stay-at-home mom, for almost four years, alone time is not something I have gotten much of in that time. I never really pushed for it, either. I could not imagine being away from my little man!
Well, now that he is a terrorist three-nager, I run away any chance I get, HAHA! Now I make sure that in the evenings, I take at least thirty minutes of just for me time.
It can be anything from reading, yoga, etc. It does not matter what it is. As long as it is something that you do for you. Just you. Something you want to do.
Since I started making time for myself a priority, I have noticed a huge difference in myself. I feel more like old myself.
Diet, Exercise, and Water
I know these things are repeated often as things that can help with mental health (again, I am NOT an Expert or professional). But let’s be real: we all know how much better we feel when we nourish our bodies better. I am terrible at being consistent with all three of these things, but I know when I make them a priority my head feels more clear, I have way less anxiety, and overall more energy and motivation.
Outside Time
This has been something that has helped our whole household. Getting outside in the fresh air and sunshine is some of the best medicine form mental health. A quick walk during the day or after dinner can turn the whole day around. I now realize how much better I feel on the days that we get out of the house for extended periods. I really try to carve this time out everyday.
Alright friends, that’s all I am going to write for today. I hope you find this post useful and I look forward to sharing more in the future on the topic. Have a great day! See you next time, friends!