Fur Babies

Meet My Fur Babies

Hello there, Friends! I hope you are having a fantastic Monday so far! If not, then I have just the thing! What’s the one thing that we can all agree is the real reason we stick around the internet? Cute, adorable fur babies!

Lazy Sunday mornings.

I figured that today would be a good day to give you what you really want to hear about. No one wants to read an introduction post about me or my human family, or rant about the price of eggs or something. You want the cute furry friends that are always by our sides! And sometimes even on our laps!

We currently have two fur babies. Boozie Belle and Heath Ledger Lockwood. Heath is an orange Tabby. He’s a complete butthead. Boozie is part german Shepard and part something else. Whatever that something else is, it must have been round. very, very round. Homegirl is a wee bit tubby HaHaHa! Her current diet of “most of whatever Barrett is supposed to be eating”, is really catching up to her! 

The most patient cat.

I have had Heath for 12-plus years. He’s been all over the country with me, from Arizona to New York in three days. That was a hell of an experience! The story of how I ended up getting him actually ties back to my little love story. He has actually currently parked his rather large rump on my lap and refuses to budge. 

Boozie came to live with us when we lived in my grandfather’s house in upstate New York. We needed another furry friend in the house (HA) and I wanted a doggy companion. At that time in my life, I was very interested in trying new beers. In abundance. With great frequency. So my grandfather told me I should name her “Boozer”. That didn’t quite fit my sweet girl, but “Boozie” was absolutely perfect! And she’s been my best buddy ever since. Well, I did get traded in for Josh and Barrett, but I’m at least third on her list. I think.

They are always up to something!

Most of the time, it is like we have two dogs. Heath sometimes acts more like a dog than Boozie does. He fetches, comes when he’s called, etc. If I time it just right and say “sit” as he’s already sitting, I can pretend that at least one creature in this house actually listens to me!


We recently found out that Boozie has canine lupus. It has been a tough few months for her, but she seems to be responding to the treatment well. I will be sharing a post all about her journey in the upcoming weeks. We just changed some of her meds so I want to see how that goes before I post it to the blog. 

Well, friends, I think that is it for today. This was a last-minute post so it’s probably still a bit rough. But, I like it. And I hope you all do as well! I hope you all have a great week!!

And don’t forget to stop by tomorrow and check out my latest #HACKS post! A little bonus tomorrow will include an easy-peasy one-pot meal idea. 

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