7 Ways to Give Back to the Community
Hello there, Friends! I hope you are having a wonderful day! I am so happy that you have found your way to my site and I hope, as always, you find some helpful stuff here. I am back to the grind of writing and focusing on the blog itself again and I am so happy about it!
Today, I wanted to share with you some awesome ways that you can give back to your community. This stems from our “kindness projects” that we try to incorporate into our weekly schedule. It is very important to Josh and me that we raise Barrett to be a helpful and kind little savage and these are some of the ways we try to accomplish that.
We try to make these appealing and fun to get Barrett interested in them, but also make sure that he understands the “Why” we do it as well. I think it’s important that he understands how important it is to be a kind and good person to those around him.
Some of these ideas do cost a little money, but some are free and easy as well. Let’s dive in!
- Around school time every year, I do at least one big school supply shopping trip to donate locally. I have done this for as long as I can remember and I look forward to it every year. We pick a place or places to donate to, look at their list of needs, and go shopping! Last year Barrett was old enough to really help and grasp the concept of what we were doing. We had so much fun. Barrett got such a kick out of filling up a cart for other kids. He was determined to make sure that everyone had enough crayons and glue lol! This is something that doesn’t have to be a huge amount of anything. A few packs of crayons or markers can be just a few dollars and can help out a lot.
- Food shopping for the local shelter or food drive is another that we love to do. This is usually something that we do around Christmas time and include it in our 25 days of Christmas activities list.
- Buy books for the Little Free Libraries in the area. Our local library system almost always has books on sale for pretty cheap, so during the summer months, we buy a bunch and drop them around at the little free libraries in our area. If you like this idea, check out their website and find one near you! https://littlefreelibrary.org/. We also usually give drop our old books off in these as well.
- Another type of donation shopping I try to do is for personal hygiene items for those in local shelters. We always put so much focus on food items that this type of thing can easily get overlooked as being needed. Deodorants, soaps, feminine hygiene products, shampoos, etc. are always a necessity.
- Spend a little extra time while you are out at the park or playground and pick up trash. We usually pick a day or two a month that we set aside time to just go walk around and pick up trash at the park (and play of course).
- Join a local “Buy Nothing” group on Facebook and donate items to neighbors. This has been a favorite of mine for the last few years. I really love the sense of community that can come from groups like these.
- Paint rocks and leave them around walking trails or playgrounds. I think this became a thing in our area during the COVID craziness. When we were locked down and trying to avoid other people, we spent a lot of time on our local walking trails. Barrett was pretty young at this time so I am sure he doesn’t remember this, but he would get such a kick out of finding the painted rocks that others had left around. I know how excited it made him so this is something we like to do and hopefully bring a smile to someone else’s face. We have done them a few different ways, some just painted, with stickers, little pictures painted on them, etc.

There you have it, friends! Our favorite ways to give back to the community! There are tons of other ways to give back and be part of a community, but these are some of our favorites. I hope you enjoyed this article! I would love to hear about the different ways that you and your family give back to your local community! Jump on over to my Facebook page and join the discussion there, friends! Until next time, have a phenomenal day!