Birthday Post!

Hello friends! Today is my birthday! I never imagined this is where my life would be at 37, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. We don’t really make a big deal out of our birthdays anymore. Except for Barrett and his friends birthdays. So it just ends up being a normal chill day for us. But I figured it would be a great opportunity to write a little bit on here!

I am feeling so grateful. Another year around the sun, and what a year it has been!  If you told me at this time last year that I would be on here trying to learn how to be a blogger, I would have laughed in your face! HA! This is definitely not something I saw in my future, but it has already pushed me to learn a huge amount of new stuff that I never would have thought I would be trying to learn. I am so excited to see where this journey takes me. 

This has also been a pretty cool experience for me to step wayyyyy outside of my comfort zone and put so much of myself on display. That’s usually the opposite of how I am until I really get to know people. This is a nice loophole to my social anxiety as well! 

Thanks for checking out my page today and for following along with me on this awesome journey. I am learning and growing more and more everyday and I am so grateful and excited for what’s in store!  Have an amazing day, friends!

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  1. First off; happy birthday! Starting out with blogging was definitely terrifying for me too, but you know what? That’s the beauty of it! Because there’s no right or wrong way of doing this! Just be yourself! Best wishes for you!

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