Quick and easy self-care ideas

Quick and Easy Self-Care Ideas

Hello there, friends! I keep hearing about all these self-care ideas lately, that led me to reflect on my own self-care. As I started to reflect on that, I found that I really don’t put enough emphasis on my self-care at all. I’ve had to take some steps to correct that.

The definition of Self-care is-“The practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.” I think this can translate into so many things for everyone. But I think it is important to note where it says “active role”. You have to show up for yourself here. You have to commit to doing whatever your self-care is: commit to doing it for you.

Finding some type of self-care for yourself is so important to your overall wellness. You need an outlet that is all yours. And you need to take time for yourself to rest and rejuvenate. It’s so necessary to help yourself manage your stress, relax, and improve your mental and physical health.

If you are not taking some time to focus on your self-care, you could find yourself feeling it. I know I personally start to feel super anxious and overwhelmed if I haven’t taken some “Me” time in a while. I try to head it off before it gets to that point now, though.

If you need some help coming up with some self-care ideas for yourself, I’ve compiled a list of some quick and easy ideas that you can start incorporating into your day right now!

Pamper Yourself!

  • Get a manicure or pedicure. Give yourself one at home if going out for one right now isn’t in the cards. Keep it simple or get a little extra with it! Whatever makes you feel good.
  • Spend some extra time doing your everyday get-ready routine. Slap on some eyeliner and a little shadow today instead of just a quick swipe of mascara. Spend some time curling your hair instead of just putting it up in a mom-bun.
  • Take an extra long shower or soak in a bath. Do it with zero distractions if possible. Let yourself relax and unwind.
  • Take a nap. Not a nap-trap nap either. A zero-responsibility, honest-to-goodness, have someone else watch your kids and you sleep and rest.
  • Get a massage. If this is something you can go out and get done, then do it. It’s so helpful for releasing tension and stress. Massages can help release trapped tension and help you relax those tight muscles. if going out and getting one isn’t feasible for whatever reason, you can get an at-home massager to help you. There are a ton of different styles available. Something as simple as a small handheld roller massager can help you release some of that tension.
  • Spend some time and cook your favorite comfort food. Take it slow, enjoy the process of cooking. Sit down in front of a movie and enjoy your favorite meal. If cooking isn’t gonna happen, then order it if you can.
  • Spend some time meditating. Try to clear your mind and relax, if only for just a few minutes.

Get Moving!

  • Physical activity is so important for feeling good. 15-30 mins per day is a great goal to shoot for! Make it something you enjoy and don’t be afraid to change routines and try different activities.
  • Do Yoga. It’s great for your body and your mind. You can find some easy beginner routines on YouTube. Or check out a class at a local studio or gym.
  • Play a sport. Finding a local recreational league can be a great way to get moving and meet new people.
  • Take a fitness class. A local gym is a great place to check out some different fitness classes if you don’t have a specific type you like. Some gyms will let you pay a drop-in fee to take a class without a membership. You can also check with your local library, I know that ours does some fitness classes on occasion.
  • Go for a walk. You don’t need anything special for this. Just get up and go. Walk in your neighborhood, at a local park, or find a walking trail that you like.
  • Go for a hike. Spending time outdoors is so good for us humans. And getting out in the woods into nature can really bring you a sense of peace and calmness.

Make Some Space

  • Pick an area of your home to declutter and organize. You can repeat this as many times as you want.
  • Go through an area of your home with the intention of finding items to give away. This can be to a shelter, Goodwill, or a local free site. Whatever works best for you.
  • Declutter your phone. If you are like me, your iCloud Storage is constantly yelling at you that your photo storage is full. Spend some time cleaning it out to make room for some new awesome memories. Do the same for other files on your phone and your emails
  • After you declutter (or while you’re doing it), spend some time setting up some kind of organizational system for your files. This way you can avoid having to continue with the chaos.
  • Take up a Minimalist approach to organizing. This can help control the amount of stuff in your space.
  • Create an area of your home for your relaxation. Make sure it is somewhere that you can go to be alone and spend time in a calm environment.

Get Inspired

  • Try a new food that you have always wanted to try. Or maybe something that is totally outside of your comfort zone.
  • Watch some How-to videos or some DIY videos on YouTube. Pick something that you could see yourself doing. If you like it, give it a shot.
  • Be a tourist for a few hours in a local city or town. You could even do this in your local city. Try to look at it with fresh eyes, as if you are just seeing it for the first time. You may find that you notice some pretty cool things that you tend to over look.
  • Go to a craft store and pick out a new craft to try out. No pressure, just have fun with the process.
  • Try out some dollar tree crafts. They are very affordable and you can find some that are very beginner friendly if you are not normally crafty. There are tons of YouTube videos out there.
  • Visit a new local restaurant or shop. Or visit a store that you normally wouldn’t go to.
  • Find a new scheduling system or planner to try out. I like to do this to get fresh ideas for our schedule.

To Social or Not To Social

  • Call up a friend or family member. You do not need to have a deep conversation or anything, just some light-hearted chit-chat can sometimes do the trick.
  • Go out to dinner. Sometimes just having someone else serve you a hot meal is all the treatment you need. Not having to clean up afterward and do the dishes is also a definite win.
  • Reach out to an old friend. We all tend to get so busy in our day-to-day lives that we have trouble keeping in touch with everyone. Take some time to shoot a text or call someone you haven’t talked to in a while.
  • Don’t be afraid to spend some quality alone time with yourself. We all need it.
  • You can pick almost any of the above activities in this article and do them with a friend.

Remember to take care of yourself and show yourself some love! You deserve it!

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