Self-Confidence Affirmations For the Everyday Mama

Every morning that you wake up, you make the decision of how you are going to face the day. A way to ensure that you face it with positivity and confidence is through using affirmations for self-confidence.

Affirmations are like your daily mantra. So choosing one that fills you with happiness or courage or strength is the important part.

Throughout this article, I will help you understand more about affirmations and how we can utilize them in our everyday lives to help build self-confidence.

If building your confidence is a priority to you right now, be sure to check out my post Building Bold Mamas: Gain Confidence and Self-Esteem as an Everyday Mama.

Why Use Self-Confidence Affirmations Every Day?

Affirmations are phrases that you choose to live by for the day (or however long you want, really). They can be as long or as short as you want them to be. Remember to keep them positive and encouraging.

There are many benefits to using affirmations. Some of them include increased positivity from continued positive self-talk, stress reduction, greater resilience, and better overall well-being.

Affirmations can be a powerful tool when it comes to building up self-confidence. Repeating healthy, confident, powerful phrases will have a positive impact on many different aspects of your life. You will feel better overall and feel more confident, not only in yourself but also in your relationships, your career, and your family life.

Best Practices for Self-Confidence Affirmations

There is no right or wrong way to use affirmations. It’s pretty much whatever is going to work the best for you.

If you have a specific self-care routine you follow in the morning, adding a few minutes to spend on writing and reflecting on your affirmation for the day can be a great addition.

Choosing to use them before an important event or something similar can be a great way to give you a quick boost in confidence and help calm your nerves.

I find that the best way for me to get the most benefit from affirmations is to add them to my morning journal routine. I write them down, repeat them often, and keep them with me for the day. It’s a nice reminder when you pull it out of your pocket.

It is important to remain consistent, no matter how you choose to utilize them. Turn it into a habit if you can!

If you’re interested in journaling as well, check out my post Morning Journal Prompts For the Everyday Mama.

Affirmations For Self-Confidence

Feel free to mix these up or create your own to fit your needs.

  1. “I am strong and capable. I can handle anything this life throws at me”
  2. “I am proud of myself and how far I have come. I will continue to grow and overcome challenges”
  3. “I am worthy of the good things in my life”
  4. “My family is able to count on me all of the time”
  5. “I am flexible and adaptable. I can figure out any problem that comes my way”
  6. ” I am a good and positive role model for my children”
  7. “I am proud of the mother I have become”
  8. “I am constantly growing as a person and a mother”
  9. “My love for my family shines through in all that I do”
  10. “I am able to balance my work and family life and be good at both”
  11. “I am worthy of abundance and joy in my life”
  12. “I am loved and appreciated in my life”
  13. “I can achieve my goals as long as I work hard for them”
  14. “I am an inspiration to my children with all that I do”
  15. “I am comfortable with who I am”

Create Your Own Affirmations for Self-Confidence

  • Identify Your Needs– If there is a specific part of your life you want to feel more confident in, then focus your affirmation toward that. If it’s just the overall confidence you want to build, you can just keep your wording less specific.
  • Be Positive-Always be positive and encouraging with your affirmations. This positive self-talk builds you up and helps you keep going when things get tough.
  • Consistency is Key– Making affirmations a regular part of your routine and consistently utilizing them will help make positive self-talk a regular habit and the confidence will come naturally with that.
  • Adpat and Evolve– We are always changing so remember to re-evaluate your goals and affirmations every so often (if you repeat the same ones). Make sure that as your confidence and resilience grow, you adjust your self-confidence affirmations to reflect that.

I encourage you to start utilizing affirmations for self-confidence today and as a regular part of your self-care toolbox!

I would love to hear from you either here or over on my Facebook page, Just Your Everyday Mama, and share some of your favorite self-confidence affirmations!

And make sure to subscribe to my Newsletter so that you don’t miss a thing!

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