Give Yourself Some Grace: A Guide to Mindfulness and Self-Compassion for the Everyday Mama

Navigating the daily chaos of motherhood can lead many of us to overlook our own needs and forget that we need to extend ourselves some grace and self-compassion.

Understanding Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is just turning the compassion you show towards others inward. It’s giving yourself the same love, understanding, and patience that you extend to others.

Instead of continuing to be harsh or critical of yourself, try to be kind and understanding. Use positive and encouraging words instead of talking down to yourself when you feel like you’ve made a mistake or are falling behind.

Importance of Self-Compassion in Our Lives

Remembering to have self-compassion can be hard, but it is oh-so-important! Learning to integrate it into your everyday life will have a big impact on your day-to-day happiness.

When we practice self-compassion we are helping to reduce our stress, increase mental clarity, and nurture our overall wellbeing. It will foster greater resilience and help you to have a more positive outlook on things.

The Purpose of This Guide

This guide is to help you find ways to encourage self-love and kindness every day. And to help you work through some things that may be holding you back from starting on this journey.

Embrace Imperfection

The idea of perfection needs to be thrown out of the window.

We all are human. We all have things we see as flaws or things that we may see as less than perfect about ourselves.

But we are all perfectly imperfect. And we need to embrace it!

It’s always better to reflect on growth instead of perfection!

Journal Prompts for Self-Compassion

Journaling can be a great tool for many things. Building self-compassion is just one of many things that you can journal about to help you work through. The benefits of this are amazing.

Utilizing journal prompts can help you delve deeper into your self-compassion and help you keep a positive mindset.

  • Celebrate Wins– What are 3 things that you accomplished recently? No matter how small they seem. Reflect on how these accomplishments make you feel. How can you move from here onto bigger accomplishments?
  • Gratitude– What are some things that I am most grateful for today? What impact does having these things in my life have? Reflect on how these things have positively affected you.
  • Self-Kindness– What did you do for yourself recently that was kind? Reflect on the impact this had on the rest of your day. Think about ways you can incorporate this into your everyday life.
  • Forgiveness– Is there something that you need to forgive yourself for? Are you holding something over yourself that you need to let go of? Reflect on how this is negatively impacting your mindset. Think of how forgiving yourself will change that. Reflect on ways you can go about putting this in motion.
  • Self-Appreciation– What are some things that you really appreciate about yourself? Things that maybe you even brag about. Things that make you feel good about yourself. Reflect on how these things make your life better.

Other Self-Compassion Tips

Journaling isn’t the only thing you can do to help increase self-compassion in your life. Here are some everyday tips to help you on your way.

  • Meditate– Spend time meditating on your sense of self-composition. Reflect on self-kindness and positive thoughts.
  • Take a break– When things start to be too much and you feel yourself being negative inwardly, stop and take a break. Take some time to breathe. Remind yourself how amazing you are and you need to be kind to yourself.
  • Write Yourself a Kindness Letter– Sit down and type or write a letter to yourself. You can reflect on things that you love about yourself, how far you’ve come in life, how amazing it is that you are reaching your goals, etc. Be positive and use loving, kind words to yourself.
  • Daily Affirmations-Utilizing daily affirmations is a great way to practice kindness and self-compassion. Use positive, affirming phrases and remind yourself throughout the day. If you would like more information on Daily Affirmations, check out my post- Daily Self-Love Affirmations for the Everyday Mama.
  • Talk to Yourself Like You Would a Friend– When you are getting down on yourself, think of how you would talk to a friend in the same situation. Use the same words on yourself that you would on your friend. You wouldn’t berate your friend for a simple mistake, or call them stupid for forgetting something at the store. Don’t do that to you either.

Give Yourself Some Grace

No matter how hard we try to be, or how much we want to, we cannot be all things to everyone. We must remember that we are only human and keep our expectations of ourselves realistic. If we don’t, we just set ourselves up for failure.

When you find that you are having a hard time keeping your head above water, remember that you are not alone here, you can reach out if you need to. This is not forever, sis. Ride out the ebb and flow and things will get better.

If you found this article helpful, check out some of my others-Building Bold Mamas: Gain Confidence and Self-Esteem as an Everyday Mama or My Favorite Ways to Increase Productivity.

For all new articles and updates, jump on over and follow my Facebook page, Just Your Everyday Mama.

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  1. Love this post. Giving yourself grace as a mom is so important because it’s for mom guilt to take over your life. Aiming to be a perfect mother is stressful and unrealistic.
    Meditation and journaling have been a life saver for me and a great outlet.

  2. I really need to remember to take a break, I tend to push through and well it’s not good! Nothing good comes from burnout! I think I’m going to combine them and take a break and journal or maybe try my hand at writing a kindness letter to lift my spirts and get me away from work for a bit!

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