Gratitude Journal Prompts
Hello there, friends! I have been posting a lot lately about self-care. Something that I keep encouraging you to do is gratitude journaling. So I thought I would put together a list of some Gratitude Journal Prompts to help you get writing!
Table of Contents
Everyday Life
- What is something that happened today that made you smile?
- What are 3 things that you are thankful for from today?
- Think of something nice that someone said to you today. Did it make you feel good? Brighten your day?
- What routine are you happy to have in your life?
- Think of a moment today when you were fully present. Reflect on how it felt to be fully there and connected.
- What is an everyday convenience in your life that you are thankful for?
- What is something your kid said today that made you laugh?
- What is something that happened today that you are especially thankful for?
Positive Self Reflection
- What is your favorite personality trait? How has this trait benefitted you in your life?
- What is your strongest personality trait? How has this trait benefitted your life at this point?
- What is your favorite personal physical feature? How do you feel when others compliment you on this?
- Which one of your many positive personality traits would you pick to pass on to your children? Compassion? Love for animals? Honesty? Explore why.
- List 3 qualities about yourself that you are the most proud of.
- Reflect on a situation that you faced recently that taught you something about yourself.
Appreciate the Natural World
- What part of nature are you the most grateful today?
- What is something you look forward to about being out in nature?
- Think of a time today when you saw something beautiful out in nature. What feelings did that that sight invoke in you?
- Think of when you felt very at peace while out in nature.
- Reflect on your favorite soothing nature sounds and how they make you feel.
- What is your favorite thing about the current time of the year?
- What is your favorite type of weather? Reflect on why it’s your favorite.
Relationships and Family
- What is the thing that makes you the most thankful for your favorite person/persons?
- What qualities do you find so attractive about your significant other?
- What is your favorite spot to go and spend time with your family? A restaurant? Park? Reflect on a favorite family memory at this place.
- Who are the people you are most grateful for in your life? Reflect on the positive impact they have in your life.
- What positive impact has your significant other had on your life?
- Reflect on the people in your life that have supported you and how having that support has shaped your life.
- Reflect on a special memory with a friend or family member that sparks joy when you think of it.
- Who is someone that you look up to? A mentor? Family Member? What qualities does that person have that inspire you?
Personal Growth
- What is a negative habit you previously had, but have managed to break?
- What challenges have you faced recently? How did you overcome it?
- What are your strengths? How have they grown over time?
- Think about a time when you thought you made a mistake, but it turned out to be a great learning experience. How did it spur your growth?
- What is something that you have been working on currently? Explore your positive progress.
- Think of a current challenge or setback in your life. How do you plan to overcome it? How will this help you grow?
- Reflect on a hobby that you do and appreciate how far you have come since starting that hobby. Appreciate the progress you have made.
- What is a skill that you have put time and effort into building? How has this skill helped you? What have you learned on the journey? How does having this skill make you feel?
- Think of a positive experience that you had in the past that still impacts your life today.
Personal achievements
- What is something you have achieved in your life that you never really thought would have been possible?
- What are you most proud of having achieved in your life?
- What have you learned about yourself from your achievements?
- What achievement are you celebrating today?
- What support helped you achieve a big goal?
- What is something that you accomplished recently? What steps did you take to achieve it? How has it affected your life?
- What are you most grateful for this holiday season?
- What is your favorite memory from past holidays?
- What is something that you look forward to every holiday season?
- As New Year approaches, what are you most thankful for from this past year?
- What are you most looking forward to in the New Year?
- What holiday tradition are you the most thankful for?
Use these Gratitude Journal prompts as a jumping-off point for your reflection. See where the writing takes you. I hope these help you in your self-care routine, friend! For other helpful info and self-care tips, check out my post Quick and Easy Self-Care Ideas.
Gratitude journaling is a fantastic way to reflect on the good things that happen every day. Awesome read!